Main title.
Main menu.
You can check what previously happened before starting a new game.
And old footage of Isaac and Nicole before the incident.
After everything he went through, no wonder he ended up in an asylum of a sort.
Oh no, it's happening again... no time to think, run!!
As if it's not enough you're unarmed, you're wearing a straitjacket.
A very close encounter, repeatedly bash X to kick him in the teeth.
Can someone say deja vu... automatic door taking care of the first monster you wrestle with.
Where are all the patients... could it be they all got turned into monsters and are running free?
You can use stasis to launch sharp objects at aliens, including their razor-sharp limbs.
This time you'll be able to see path to your goal, save point, bench and other useful places.
Line gun is effective when you aim below their waist.
All departures from this train station are delayed indefinitely, except the one filled with alien lifeforms.
From time to time you'll have to crack the lock to open the door.
Fighting on a speeding train.
Size of your inventory is rather limited so you'll have to carry only the things you find of utmost importance... yup, that means ammo and medkits.
The bigger they are, the more easier to hit they are.
Meeting up with some survivors.
Use stasis to temporarily slow down your opponents and circle around to fire at their weak spot.
Use credits to buy new weapons in a store.
Isaak seems satisfied with the purchase of new armor suit.
There goes the transport hub.
You can only wear up to four weapons at the same time.
Aboard USS Ishimura... it's not quite the way you remember it.
Use work bench to upgrade weapons and armor.
First aim at the legs, then when they're slow finish them off.
You can smash the boxes by launching them into something or stepping on them, or, of course, by shooting them, but it's a waste of ammo.
Lurkers hunt in packs... they'll peek behind the corner and then frantically dash at you.
A smile of a man who lost everything... or just went crazy.
Isaak's battle isn't just the one of the gun, but the one of the mind as well.
Time to shut down the power and let the monsters in... I bet he wished now he didn't shut down the power to me several chapters ago. Payback's a bitch.
An annoyingly indestructible monster is back, and killing him will only give you but a few seconds of time to run further away.
Dead Space 2 version of EA logo
Looking at video messages
Finally a view of an outside... helps me figure out on which planet I am at the moment
Everyone's rather sick and unfriendly here... and they didn't even need the marker for that
Being sucked into outer space
A store booth
You're not the only victim of this vicious place
This hallway looks clear and well lit
I can see the approaching from the distance... better mow them all down before they swarm at you
Time to die
Windows screenshots
The main menu is relatively unchanged.
Choosing my difficulty. There's a new "Zealot" difficulty and "Hardcore" mode, like before, must be unlocked after one playthrough.
An old video-log of Nicole, Isaac's late girlfriend, sending him a message. If you can't tell by his dopey expression, he's happy to see her. Also, Isaac talks now.
Understandably, Isaac was a bit traumatized by the last games events - and is being examined during his stay on the Sprawl.
Thankfully for Isaac - this isn't real, just a nasty hallucination.
Unfortunately for Isaac (And this unlucky crew-member) this IS real. Uh-oh, here we go again...
Hey buddy, are you okay...? You might want to have that looked at...
Ever wanted to see someone become a Necromorph up close and personal? Check out these next shots if you have the stomach for it.
First, push out your shoulders until they form two large, bladed arms in your back.
Let your arms keep growing, and add a few more tentacles while you are at it.
Stretch out your neck as far as you can, and lose that pesky lower jaw while you're at it. You won't need it anymore!
You are half-way there! It may sting a bit, but you need to get rid of that face.
Bye bye, ratty old human face. Hello new necromorph face! Now aren't you just the prettiest little thing at the dance?
At this point, Isaac is still in his straight jacket, so all he can do is run!
Oh no! A Necromorph has mounted Isaac, and he's still in his straight jacket! Will our hero make it out of here with frantic struggles and live another day?
Sadly, no. This is a good excuse to run as fast as you possibly can.
Yay! Isaac is finally loose and has his old friend, the Plasma cutter. Something's still missing though... a suit maybe?
In goes ratty mental patient Isaac....
...out comes badass cyber-suit Isaac!
Like DS1, the shadowing is very creepy and foreboding. What's around that corner? D:
There's an elementary school on the Sprawl?! Uh-oh, I don't like where this is going...
I REALLY don't like where this is going. Are those....?
Yep. They are. Necromorph children D:
Like before, combat is very hectic and intense; and these new enemies come in hordes and are tough to deal with. They're also scary D:
I about crapped my pants when this little creep jumped on my back.
Well, at least my nearly-soiled underwear have been avenged. Sadly I don't think my dreams tonight can be.
GAH! Where did you come from? Wait a minute... Daniel Stern? That you?
Here's that Daniel Stern looking fellow again, with a freshly shanked eyeball. Lucio Fulci would be so proud.
Believe it or not, this scene freaked me out more than any other so far. Why is this happening to Isaac? Spoilers, my friend. Find out yourself.
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.