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The Dame Was Loaded

aka: La signora calibro 32, Puppen, Perlen und Pistolen, Une PoupĂŠe Pleine Aux As
Moby ID: 4976

[ All ] [ DOS ] [ Linux ] [ Macintosh ] [ Windows ]

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Average score: 58% (based on 15 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 15 ratings with 1 reviews)

Tex Murphy – move over!

The Good
This game is what I would call a classic example of a “sleeper”. Hardly anyone remembers it, and it caused very little commotion when it was released. Since Moby didn’t have any screenshots for Dame, I decided to play it again to capture some. I remembered liking the game when I originally played it (way back when!), but I was surprised how much I enjoyed it the second time around.

Sure it’s an old game (6 years old now), and while it would play within Windows98 in a DOS window, there was no sound on my machine. So I had to remember how to load my CD-Rom and soundcard drivers when booting to DOS. At first I had a few problems with the music and speech, but applying the patch seemed to solve that well enough.

Once that was accomplished, I started the game again and was met with the most wonderful, nostalgic music and characters. Scott Anger, whom you play in 1st person, is an old style 1940s private eye whose voice and dialogue would fit right in with a Mickey Spillane episode. Live actors and the movie-like video give it a very realistic quality.

I found the interface straightforward and clean. You can perform actions either with a mouse or the keyboard. Pressing the F1 key brings up a quick summary of the game controls. A right click examines something, a left click uses or talks, and clicking the right and left mouse buttons together opens Anger’s inventory. The game save/load/quit menu is accessed by left clicking on the typewriter in his office. Moving your mouse around the screen offers you various icons (open, use, turn, walk etc.). The inventory is in the form of a P.I.’s notebook. Right click on an item on the list and Anger will describe it and provide its history. Left click to pick it up for use. You will also find his notes and memos there, and topics in it will be used during conversations.

Travel to various locations in the game via a map of the city in Scott’s car glove box. (By the way, you can even blow the horn and turn on the radio inside the car!) You must take certain actions every day including getting a shave and reading the newspaper, and spending money for those things (as well as eating and drinking). When night falls, different places are open. (To change the time of day, take a nap on the sofa in his office.) You’ll find a way to get into “Jake’s” where the only way to get answers to your questions (and get some needed dough) is by playing a few hands of Poker.

The actors and actresses played their parts very well and nothing seemed out of character. During the conversations, there is no lip sync even attempted. Still shots were used, only interrupted by the occasional video cut while they speak. The conversation element was one part that “dated” the game, reminding me that I wasn’t playing a more recent release. Otherwise, I was reminded how old the game was by the somewhat pixelated graphics in the interactive scenes.

There are no real puzzles as such. Rather you will be unraveling the clues to Dan’s disappearance by talking to people, visiting crime scenes and finding reports in the newspaper, at the police station etc. There is one safe to open, but that is the only real puzzle-like situation. You will be using inventory items if something won’t open or someone seems to be holding back information.

There is more than one ending depending upon choices you make towards the end of the game. And it is interesting to see both.

The Bad
There are only 5 save game slots –and- you can save and load games from only one place – your office. Because of your character’s occupation, you are dealing with liars, thieves and other thugs who would rather shoot first and ask questions later. Do something wrong or ask the wrong question and you will die. Depending upon where you last saved, you may have to replay long segments.

The Bottom Line
Dame has the true flavor of what being a Private Eye back in the ‘40s must have been like. Everything from the slang phrases right down to the clothes the characters wear is reminiscent of the times.

I think this game would have fit right in as a Tex Murphy episode and reminded me of those games in many respects. If you love watching old private eye movies on television like I do, this game just might be your cup 'a tea.

DOS · by Jeanne (75818) · 2002

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Alsy, Wizo, Rwolf, Scaryfun, Patrick Bregger, Mr Creosote, Jeanne, Tim Janssen.