Blast Doors

aka: Blast Doors II
Moby ID: 49597

Windows screenshots

This game is brought to you by FFI, Fred's Friends, Inc. The missing colour on the central letter indicates that these screenshots do NOT show the game, to its best effect
Credits and Blast Doors. These doors start off as being open showing a scene of a small homestead on the brink of a crater - seen later on the Hi-Score page
The game menu. If the player clicks on the 'Feed Me' button the Options, Help & Quit buttons are replaced with a picture of a begging programmer and a reminder that this is a shareware game
The New Game menu where many options can be customised
Before a game can start the player must purchase their ordinance. The amount that can be purchased is initially determined by the setting on the game menu. In play the stock list is white, not green
The game area. The green arrow points at the players base. The pink blob just above centre is the computer's base
The AIM menu. The player sets the bearing and elevation by clicking on the plus / minus icons by each setting
Here the game area has been rotated for a better view and a cluster bomb attack has been launched
Now the range has been established its time to load up a bigger weapon from the stockpile
The little car icon at the top left of the game area allows the base to be re-located. This is just what the computer has done now that its been hit by a big weapon
This screen shot shows one of the computers gung-ho goading remarks
This screen shot shows the end of Moby. Not only does the explosion contain a great fireball effect, the game area shakes and ....
... there's a helpful message just so there's no doubt who's won
This was a 1 round game and it's most definitely over. After this the game returns to the main menu.
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