🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Kawa no Nushi Tsuri: Shizenha

Moby ID: 49516

[ TurboGrafx CD ] [ Wii add ]

TurboGrafx CD credits (1992)

11 people with 14 credits.

Development Staff (開発スタッフ)

Producer (プロデューサー) Tōru Miyazawa (宮沢 徹 (PIV))
Director (ディレクター) Tōru Miyazawa (宮沢 徹 (PIV))
Production (製作) Aprinet Ltd. [有限会社アプリネット]
Programmer (プログラマー) Kazuhiro Arita (Yuyu [有田和博 (遊遊)])
Planning (企画) Kazuhiro Arita (Yuyu [有田和博 (遊遊)])
Graphic Designer (グラフィックデザイナー) Takayuki Sugiyama (Aprinet [杉山隆行 (アプリネット)]), Tōru Miyazawa (宮沢 徹 (PIV))
Technical Support (技術協力) Kazuhito Miyahara (Aprinet [宮原一仁 (アプリネット)])
Music (音楽) Junichi Saito (斉藤淳一 (PIV))
Title & Ending Music (タイトル、エンディング音楽) Gorō Takahashi (Eleven Music [高橋五郎 (イレブンミュージック)])
Nature Sounds (自然音) Victor Musical Industries Super Natural Sounds "WAVE" "Mori" "STREAM" [スーパーナチュラルサウンズ ビクター音楽産業 「WAVE」 「森」 「STREAM」]
Nature Sound Editing (自然音編集) Shinichi Kanazawa (金沢信一 (LOG STUDIO))
Sound Effects (効果音) Satoshi Tori (東里 聡), Osamu Shiranezawa (白根沢 修)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】.