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PGA Championship Golf: 1999 Edition

aka: DSF Golf '99
Moby ID: 49373

Sierra Sports' PGA Championship Golf 1999 Edition Lands on Store Shelves In Time for Father's Day

EUGENE, Ore., May 27 -- Sierra Sports announced today that its highly anticipated PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition, will hit store shelves in U.S. and Canadian markets by June 1, just in time for Father's Day. The CD-ROM for Windows 95/98 lists a suggested price of $29.95 in retail stores.

With each round of PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition, fans of the sport catch a glimpse of life as a PGA professional, playing seven legendary courses rendered in stunning 3D detail. Tee off in a championship round against a pro, in a leisurely foursome of friends, or compete for bragging rights in a father vs. son competition over the Internet on WON.net(TM). Players can replicate their favorite home course in stunning detail or design endless fantasy courses with PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition's exclusive Course Architect. Once a dream course is perfected, posting on WON.net enables sharing with an Internet golfing community where the play can begin.

Now there's no need to leave home to play the world's greatest golf courses. PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition creates the most rewarding, true-to-life golf experience developed for the personal computer. Real-time TrueSwing(TM) and Tri-Click technologies bring unprecedented accuracy to each stroke, as nuances in mouse control provoke a hook or slice that sends the ball bouncing through the rough, or that perfect shot that sets the gallery cheering.

Lively and challenging rounds are assured with the 12 types of play available with PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition, including Skins, Stableford and Medal. When a foursome takes to the course, ReadyPlay(TM) technology enables golfers to progress through courses independent of each other, for faster, true-to-round play. That means daughters don't have to delay their quest forVerb 1. quest for - go in search of or hunt for; "pursue a hobby" quest after, go after, pursue

look for, search, seek - try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the ..... Click the link for more information. birdie as Dad emerges from that treacherous bunker a few strokes behind.

Switch to the Tournament setting to receive broadcast-style play-by-play commentary by PGA Tour Radio announcer Grant Boone and color commentary by The Golf Channel's Mark Lye. It's like listening to an actual televised tournament, only this time it's your shot that draws critique or praise. Each Tournament environment comes complete with cameras, tents and applauding galleries. Viewing options from 15 different angles, including a hovering blimp provide the ultimate perspective on each stroke.

"PGA Championship Golf's advanced features deliver the most realistic on-the-course experiences, from a leisurely eighteen with friends to the intensity of the PGA Championship tournament," explained Sean Gleason, Director of Marketing for Sierra Sports.

That realism begins as each player creates his or her own 3D likeness. Infinite combinations of golf attire complement choices of facial features, skin tone, or facial hair. Each golfer is enhanced with 400 automatic and manually controlled animations, providing a compelling array of personal traits to each virtual player.

"PGA Championship Golf's advanced features deliver the most realistic on-the-course experiences, from a leisurely eighteen with friends to the intensity of the PGA Championship tournament," explained Sean Gleason, Director of Marketing for Sierra Sports.

That realism begins as each player creates his or her own 3D likeness. Infinite combinations of golf attire complement choices of facial features, skin tone, or facial hair. Each golfer is enhanced with 400 automatic and manually controlled animations, providing a compelling array of personal traits to each virtual player.

Courses included with Sierra Sports' PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition are Sahalee Country Club, home of the 1998 PGA Championship; The Royal Birkdale Golf Club, site of the 1998 British Open Championship; Black Diamond Ranch, Coeur d'Alene; Pasatiempo Golf Club; Pete Dye Golf Club and Princeville Resorts. As a supplement to these legendary links, Jocassee Shoals is included with PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition. This challenging fantasy course was created with the Course Architect and submitted to Sierra Sports by designer Jim Dickson.

Players wishing to follow in Dickson's footsteps are encouraged to submit their Course Architect designs online. PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition supports WONswap through WON.net, the easiest way to swap user-created content including custom-designed courses. In fact, as PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition hits store shelves, three course designers who have expressed their loyalty to Sierra Sports have already submitted playable courses to WON.net. WON.net will also provide a central depository for user-created courses, host score reports, and post career and tournament statistics. Internet play supported through the Sierra Sports Golf Association (SGA) on WON.net inspires a full season of online tournaments. The Sierra Golf Association Season II, new for 1999, is modeled after professional tours. More information is available at www.WON.net/SGA.

Whether it's a Tournament challenge against the pros, a LAN/Modem foursome, or the creation of a golf course that bears the family name, Sierra Sports' PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition keeps father a mouse-click away as he enjoys his favorite sport.

The Sierra Sports website (www.sierrasports.com) contains more information about PGA Championship Golf, 1999 Edition and other Sierra Sports titles and events. To order PGA Championship Golf, call Sierra direct at 800-757-7707. Forthcoming titles from Sierra Sports include Field and Stream Trophy Bass 3D, Field and Stream Trophy Buck 3D, Field and Stream Trophy Bear and Professional Bull Rider.

WON.net(TM) ( http://www.won.net ) is one of the largest aggregators of Internet enabled games, with over 40 live and playable choices, including 21 free online-only games from seven major developers including YOU DON'T KNOW JACK(R) the netshow, HOYLE(R) card and board games, Half-Life(TM), Tribes(TM), Starsiege(TM), Red Baron(R) 3D, The Cypher, and Spirit Wars. WON.net also features daily game news from the industry leading site Imagine Games Network ( http://www.ign.com ), strategy guides from leading publisher Prima Publishing and WON's proprietary game search engine "GameSearch.net" ( http://www.won.net/search ) the best, most complete internet search engine focused solely on games. WON.net is an autonomous business unit incorporated within Havas Interactive, the largest publisher of consumer PC software in the world.

Sierra On-Line, Inc. is one of the original developers and largest worldwide publishers of interactive entertainment and productivity software. Sierra is comprised of a family of brands: Sierra Attractions(TM), SierraHome(TM), Sierra Sports(TM), Sierra Studios(TM), and Dynamix(TM), a Sierra Company. Sierra is a division of Havas Interactive, whose holdings also include Knowledge Adventure(R), Blizzard Entertainment(R) and WON.net(TM).

CONTACT: Phil O'Shaughnessy of Sierra Sports, 541-334-3302, or [email protected].


Press Release (May 27, 1999)

Contributed by Jeanne.

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