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Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

Moby ID: 49216

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Xbox 360 credits (2010)

700 people (687 professional roles, 13 thanks) with 721 credits.


Directed by Alex Ward, Craig Sullivan, Fiona Sperry
Produced by Alan McDairmant, Hamish Young, Matthew Webster, Paul Ross, Peter Lake, Steve Cuss
Production Supported by Catherine Schell
Autolog Created by Alex Bailey, Alex Mole, Ben Smith, James Svensson, Philip Maguire, Thomas Belmont
Pursuits Created by Alex Thomson, Alex Veal, David Smeathers, Garry Casey, Iain Angus, Jeremy Chubb, Martiño Figueroa, Matt Follett, Olly Read, Richard Geldard, Tommy Hudson, Tom Ward, Bill Lane
Played Feedback Delivered by Andrei Shires, Ian Lambert, Joseph Van Zeipel, Joseph Goodwin, Richard Thomassen
Visual Direction by (Criterion) Henry LaBounta, Yuta Nakamura
Visual Direction by (DICE) Johannes Söderqvist
Cars Crafted by (Criterion) Dan McDonald, James Hans, Jawad Ahmed, Jin Jung, Mikaël Mettania
Cars Crafted by (DICE) Andreas Fougner Ezelius, Lars Mårtensson
Seacrest County Built by (Criterion) Andy Koo, Ben Hall, Jack Griffin, James Charlick, John Lewis, Josef Kainz, Joseph Patience, Richard Franke, Robert J. Lancaster, Scott Harber
Seacrest County Built by (DICE) Anders Hellspong, Andreas Chrysovitsanos, Andrew Svanberg Hamilton, Anton Wiegert, Christopher Brändström, Conny Bergqvist, Daniel Schönherr, Erland Körner, Emelie Elisabeth Nilsson, Fredrik Seehuusen, Jimmy Gustafsson, Johan Berg, Johan Lundmark, Johannes Fors, Jonas Levin, Mikael Wahlström, Nadab Göksu, Oscar Carlén, Sammi Barakat, Simon Barsky
Cinematics Created by Abdul Gamiet, Andrew Hay, Kieran Crimmins, Lyndon Munt, Michael Williamson, Neil Manners, Tom Mortimer
Audio Created by Byron Bullock, David Steptoe, Dominique Devoucoux, Douglas Cooper, James Warren, Peter Bliss, Vanesa Lorena Tate
Criterion Engine Evolved by Alex Fry, John White, Ken Cropper, Mark Final, Matthew Jones, Mohsin Hasan, Tom Williamson
Core Criterion Engineering Chris Mantle, Gavin Rouse, Marc Evans, Mark Huntley, Robert Perren, Robert Pitt, Richard Parr, Stephen Lucas, Tad Swift
Additional Content Created By Aamar Rana, Arun Honne Gowda, Ben Torkington, Charles Deenen, Gary Bendelow, Gabriella Pruskowska, Gillian McNab, Ian Fakenbridge, Jody Coombes, Luke Travis, Russell Warneboldt
Criterion Games Operations and Localization Maëlenn Lumineau
Criterion Games Supported by Deese Scott, Rebecca Glover, Vik Chall
Criterion Games IT Support Adam Pickering, David Bryder, Duncan Ball, Gavin Thomson
Criterion Catering by Samantha McCormick, Wesley Arnold
DICE Studios Supported by Ali Alexander Hassoon, Calle Wahlfors, Carin Källkvist, Helene Markås, Jannis Saripanidis, Jennifer Heras-Cordon, Johan Döhl, Karl-Magnus Troedsson, Marcus Edholm, Niklas Domander, Robert Runesson

Electronic Arts

EA Games Europe James Clarke, Patrick Söderlund, Steve Pointon
EA Marketing Dana Sissons, Darin Perfonic, Doug McConkey, James Deverill, Jino Talens, Keith Munro, Peter Nguyen, Tabitha Hayes
Additional Support David Bridle, Gearoid Hayes, Kam Wan, Jonathan Barrett, Tabitha Moore
Criterion Embedded QA Adam Blyth, Adam Stevens, Allen Frank, Andrew Hales, Andrew Manches, Barry Wallis, Bill Carter, David King, Gavin Parker, Mark Bridges, Paul Watson, Ruben Segura Pineda, Sam Dutton, Seb King, Simon Crawford, Steve Alves, Timothy Wayman
EA QA Alexandru Cristea, Alexandru Stanciu, Alexandru-Cristian Iancu, Alexandru-Gabriel Zanfir, Alexandru-Iulius Gacichevici, Alin Dima, Alina-Gabriela Nicolae, Andrei Brazda, Andrei Constantinescu, Andrei Pistol, Andrei Tarcatu, Aurelian Graure, Aurélien André, Eugen Baicea, Alexandru Georgescu Bogdan, Bogdan-Ion Mihai, Bogdan-Nicolae Capraru, Catalin-Ionut Gheorghe, Chris Rowley, Cosmin Andrei Popescua, Cosmin-George Alexandru, Costin Alexandru Radu, Cristian Jilca ('Sumy'), Damion Furlonge, Dănuț-Alexandru Bogdan, Ed Carter, Emilia Buhaev, Florin Vlasceanu, George Popa (as George Popa), Ionut Ciprian Alupei, Ionut-Tiberiu Musat, Jonny Stacey, Lars Minkkinen, Lewis Cook, Liviu Pasol, Michael Morneau, Mihai Grigorescu, Mihai-Bogdan Zgubea, Mihai-George Pana, Mircea Stroe, Nicolae Dragomir, Nicolae-Ovidiu Vlad, Octavian Lacatus, Ovidiu Feru, Paul Margean, Paul Vasile Drob (as Paul-Vasile Drop), Petre-Constantin Usurelu, Petru Matei Binescu, Radu Andrășescu, Radu-Ionut Radulescu, Razvan-Dan Petrica, Richard Hylands, Ruxandra Naita, Sergiu Bahrim, Silviu-Florin Ionescu, Sorin Constandinescu, Sorin Tepes, Stefan Victor Cristian, Stephen Woollard, Tim Armstrong, Toby Bushnell, Tudor Postolache, Valentin Vinturis, Victor-Florin Pana, Vlad Dinu, Vlad-Adrian Maftei, Vladimir Ciobanu
EA Mastering Daniel Burnett, Jim Slarke, Lee Brockway, Sam Roberts

EA Localization

International Project Management Julian Cho, Oliver Winder
Project Management Bruno Dos Santos Pereira, Daniel Harty, Jazz Wang, Josu Ojeda López, Yunte Moo, Nadine Wagner, Kenji Ryan, Taro Engaru, Yuji Murayama
Translation Albion Localisations, Ryszard Chojnowski, Anakan GMBH, Binari Sonori SRL, Fontolo Studio LTD, Hervé Mathieu, Inicio - Touch LOC, Levsha, Juan Ignacio Sendino Lamela, Oliver Jörg
Testing Ee Jia Wee, Aleksandra Zrebiec, Alexander Kornberg, Begum Farah, Bertold Virág, Chikako Nemoto, Claudio De Pasquale, Daniel Blazej, David Zong, Deniss Kashnikov, Dirk Kröll, Donald Yueh, Emilia de Castro, Eugene Peh, Ewa Weber, Farhana binte Abdul Rahim, Franck Maurouard, Galina Holeneva, Henry Hsu, Idir Ben-Mamer, Israel Delgado, Jiří Vystavěl, Keisuke Kudo, Koji Takiguchi, Low Kuan Wei, Low Pao Ming, Lucie Plesková, Mario Barbaliscia di Lauro, Matthias Foret, Markus Sorgatz, Masaru Shimajiri, Maxim Ivchenko, Mehdi El Karmani, Megumi Yabe, Miki Suzuki, Minoru Irie, Nadia Krupko, Õscar Beirda, Pablo F. López, Pleuke van Dam, Reinhart Raymaeckers, Remko Van Diepen, Ryan Tsai, Ryo Edamura, Sarkhan Lyutfaliev, Satoshi Oishi, Sergiusz Ślosarczyk, Shaun Tan Tze How, Sheena Sim Shijia, Stephan Meijerhof, Takeshi Sugiura, Tristan Germanaud, Vassili Holenev, Vivian Huang, Wayne Cheng, Yohei Taniguchi, Yoithi Inoue, Zbigniew Adam Kajak
Voice Over Valerio Amoruso, Anakan GmbH, Andreas Sparberg, Arthur Palomo, Bernhard Völger, Bertrand Liebert, Bianca Krahl, Simona Biasetti, Oliviero Cappellini, Cholo Moratalla, Denis Nekrasov, Dmitry Filimonov, Elena Kisсhik, Fabrice Josso, Angiolina Gobbi, Goichi Komiya, Gundi Eberhard, María Inmaculada Gallego Paz, Juan Antonio Arroyo, Juliette Degenne, Kazuko Yanaga, La Marque Rose, Mar Bordallo, Mario Hassert, Masaki Terasoma, Matthias Deutelmoser, Natalia Gracheva, Nathalie Karsenti, Nikolay Lazarev, Pablo Sevilla, Rika Fukami, Luca Sandri, Sébastien Desjours, Serge Biavan, Alberto Sette, Soundub, Synthesis International, Alessandro Testa, Tobias Schultze, Tony Joudrier, Tooru Nara, Unshō Ishizuka, Victor Martínez, Vladimir Antonik, Yaroslav Agekyan, Yukihiro Misono, Yasuhiro Mamiya
Additional Support Anneta Mitsopoulou, Antonio Moya Fernández, Eduardo Belinchón de la Banda, Fabio Maccari, Falk Hesse, Santiago Albert Romero, William Lim

EA Global Online Studio

EA Global Online Studio Ashley Bennett, Daniel Windrem, Darko Bojanic, David O'Neill, Greg Schaefer, Jijnes Patel, Lars Smith, Mike Tesmer, Omar Moussawel, Ryan Butterfoss, Seena Ganesh, Teyah Younger, Vikash Shah
Thank You to The GOS Group

EA Web Publishing

EA Web Publishing Marvin Burton

EA IT Online

EA IT Online Jeff Carter, Scott Hamson, Vanessa Ward, William White III
Thank You to The rest of the EA IT Online team


EA UK IT Adam Pickering, Charlie McAllister, David Bryder, Duncan Ball, Gavin Thomson, Imran Siddiqui, Oran Maliphant, Tony Ord


Socom Greg Krysa, Jaap O. Tuinman, Michael Underell

EA Legal

EA Legal Anne Voelkel, Brian Hupp, Christopher Garratty, Delphine Langlet, Hannah Croke, Jonty Cowan, Julia O'Hara, Kelly Hooper, Keith Darvell, Randy Hembrador, Sharon Zezima, Sue Garfield

EA Business Affairs

EA Business Affairs Bradley Turner, Laura Epp, Lee Rawles, Nabil Laredj, Rachel Kelly, Sigrun Handle

Music & Speech

EA Music Licensing Cybele Pettus, Jennifer Gray, Steven Schnur
"Edge of the Earth" Performed by 30 Seconds to Mars, Jared Leto (Writer), Published by Universal - Z Tunes LLC, Obo itself and Apocraphex Music [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Virgin Records America, Under license from EMI Film & Television Music
"The Resist Stance" Performed by Bad Religion, Brett W. Gurewitz (Writer), Greg Graffin (Writer), Published by Fig Music [BMI], Published by Warner Chappell Music/Polypterus Music [BMI], Recording courtesy of Epitaph
"Cinema" Benny Benassi (Performer/Writer), Gary Go (Feat./Writer), Published by Ultra International Music Publishing, Published by TCR Music Ltd., Administered by Kobalt Publishing America Inc., Recording courtesy of Ultra Records
"Conscience Killer" Performed by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Peter B. Hayes (Writer), Robert Levon Been (Writer), Published by Chrysalis Music, Obo BRMC Music [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Universal Music UK Ltd., Recording courtesy of Vagrant Records
"Opposite of Adults" Performed by Chiddy Bang, Chiddy Bang (Proto - Writer), Xaphoon Jones (Writer), Andrew Vanwyngarden (Writer), Benjamin Goldwasser (Writer), Published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc. [BMI], Published by Old Man Future/Sadguitarius [SESAC], Contains a sample of 'Kids' performed by MGMT, Courtesy of Columbia Records, By arrangement with Sony Music BMG Entertainment, Recording courtesy of EMI, License from EMI Film & Television Music
"Sofi Needs a Ladder" deadmau5 (Performer/Writer), Sofi (Feat./Writer), Published by EMI Music Publishing, Published by Copyright Control, Recording courtesy of Ultra Records
"All the Same" Performed by Does It Offend You Yeah?, James Rushent (Writer), Daniel Coop (Writer), Robert Bloomfield (Writer), Published by Chrysalis Songs [BMI], Recording courtesy of Columbia Records, By arrangement with Sony Music Licensing
"Giant Song" Performed by Funeral Party, Written by Funeral Party, Published by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Recording courtesy of RCA Records - a label group of Sony Music Entertainment
"Live Like You Wanna Live" Performed by Greenskeepers, Nick Maurer (Writer), James Curd (Writer), Petty Larceny (Writer), Published by Sounds of OM [ASCAP], Obo itself, Obo Label Brothers [ASCAP], Obo James Curd Music [ASCAP], Obo Petty Larceny [ASCAP], Administered by Wixen Music, Recording courtesy of OM Records
"Bombshock" Performed by Hadouken!, Written by Ross, Written by Sanderson, Written by Villegar, Published by Artwerk Music LLC, Published by EMI April Music Inc. [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Nettwerk Productions
"Get a Rise" Killa Kela (Performer/Writer), Mustafa Omer (Producer/Writer), James Murray (Producer/Writer), Guy Kustav (Producer), James Smith (Writer), Andrew Knowles (Writer), For Mojam Music, Published by Split Publishing UK Ltd, Published by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Published by Artwerk Music LLC, Recording courtesy of 100% Records, Recording courtesy of Pias
"Echoes" and "Twin Flames" Performed by Klaxons, Jamie Oliver (Writer), Jack Reynolds (Writer), James Nicholas Righton (Writer), Simon Lee Campbell Taylor-Davies (Writer), Published by Universal PolyGram International Publishing Inc., Obo Universal Music Publishing Ltd. [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Because Editions, Recording courtesy of Big Life, Recording courtesy of Modular Recordings/Universal Records, Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
"Stronger" Lazee (Performer/Writer), Dead By April (Performer/Writer), iSHi (Writer), Published by EMI Music Publishing Scandinavia/EMI Music Publishing Ltd., Published by 2stripes Music Publishing/Warner Chappell Music Scandinavia, Recording courtesy of 2stripes Music, Recording courtesy of Fantabulous Music
"Big Weekend" Performed by Lemonade, Callan Clendenin (Writer), Alex Pasternak (Writer), Ben Steidel (Writer), Published by Bug Life Music Ltd., Recording courtesy of Sunday Best Recording Limited, Recording courteys of Pias
"Shining Down" Lupe Fiasco (Performer/Writer), Matthew Santos (Feat.), Soundtrakk (Writer), Published by Universal Music-Careers, Obo itself, Obo Heavy As Heaven Music [ASCAP]/Universal Music, MGB Songs obo itself, MGB Songs obo Mr. Lopez Music, MGB Songs obo 1st and 15th Publishing [BMI], Recording courtesy of Atlantic Recording Company, By arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing
"Born Free" M.I.A. (Performer/Writer), Switch (Writer), Martin Rev (Writer), Alan Vega (Writer), Published by Imagem Music [PRS], Published by Switch Werd Music / EMI April Music [ASCAP], Published by Revega Music Co. [ASCAP], Published by W.B. Music Corp. [ASCAP], Contains the sample 'Ghost Rider' [Rev/Vega] by Suicide., Courtesy of Mute Records Limited., Recording courtesy of XL and Interscope Records, Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
"Groove Me" David Andrew Sitek (Performer/Writer), Theophilus London (Feat./Writer), Published by Chrysalis Music/Fereal Prism [ASCAP], Published by Copyright Control [ASCAP]/Normex, Recording courtesy of Interscope Records, Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
"Yeah Yeah Yeah" Performed by New Politics, David Boyd (Writer), Søren Hansen (Writer), Copyright Control, Recording courtesy of RCA Records - a unit of Sony Music Entertainment
"Watercolour" Performed by Pendulum, Robert Swire-Thompson (Writer), Published by Chrysalis Songs [BMI], Recording courtesy of Warner Music UK Limited, By arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensin
"Nothing From You (Redanka Remix)" Performed by Pint Shot Riot, Written by Pint Shot Riot, Published by Artwerk Music LLC, Recording courtesy of Life In The Big City Records, Redanka (Remixer)
"Stay Too Long (Pendulum Remix)" Benjamin Paul Ballance-Drew (Performer/Writer), Eric Appapoulay (Writer), Richard Cassell (Writer), Tom Wright-Goss (Writer), Published by Groove Music Limited/Universal PolyGram International [ASCAP], Courtesy of Warner Music UK Limited, By arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing
"Devil's Music" Patrik Knut Arve (Writer), Published by Universal Music - MGB Songs, Obo Universal Music Publishing MGB Scandinavia [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Atlantic Recording Company, By arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing, Performed by Teddybears, Joakim Frans Åhlund (Writer), Klas Frans Åhlund (Writer)
"Superbad 11:34" Travie McCoy (Writer/Performer), Detail (Writer), Justin Franks (Writer), Wes Borland (Writer), Published by 4daymusictheory/EMI Music Publishing [ASCAP]/Blackwood Music Inc., O/b/o itself, O/b/o/ If You Need Me Don't Leave Me [BMI], O/b/o/ J. Franks, O/b/o/ Artist Publishing Group West [ASCAP], Administered by WB Music Corp/Big Bizkit Music/Univeral Music-Z Tunes [BMI], Recording courtesy of Atlantic Recording Company/Fueled By Ramen, By arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing
"Ruling Me" Performed by Weezer, Rivers Cuomo (Writer), Dan Wilson (Writer), Published by E.O. Smith Music [BMI], Published by Chrysalis Music, Obo itself, Obo Sugar Lake Music [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Epitaph
"Divisive (Tom Staar Remix)" Performed by We Have Band, Thomas Wegg-Prosser (Writer), Deb Wegg-Prosser (Writer), Darren Bancroft (Writer), Published by Domino Publishing of America Inc., Recording courtesy of DMS, By arrangement with Naive Records, Tom Staar (Remixer)
"Bigger Than Us" Performed by White Lies, Harry McVeigh (Writer), Jack Lawrence-Brown (Writer), Charles Cave (Writer), Published by Chrysalis Music [ASCAP], Recording courtesy of Fiction/Geffen Records, Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

Original Music Composers

Original Music Composers Marios Takoushis, Vanesa Lorena Tate
Music Agent Sparks Media Ltd

Voice Over Credits

Rhubarb Voices Agency Jules de Jongh
The Just Voices Agency Jane Perry, Nigel Whitmey
Hobsons International Richard Lynson, Stefan Ashton Frank, Larissa Murray
Sueterry Voices Martin McDougall
Another Tongue Corey Jonshon

Voice Over Recording Studio and Sound Design

Voice Over Recording Studio and Sound Design Tate Post - London

External Groups: Monotype Imaging Ltd

Monotype Imaging Ltd Claire Hillard

External Groups: Parachute World Wide Font

Parachute World Wide Font Panos Vassiliou

External Groups: Sparktype Ltd

Sparktype Ltd David Buck

External Groups: Alive Interactive Media Ltd

Director Donn Garton
Leads Khoa Vinh, Ngo Duc Hai, Thang Bui Huynh, Huynh Anh Tu, Do Quoc Hung, Vu Huy Hoang
Top Artists Tan Tan Ly, Tran Dinh Hoang, Tran Dinh Tho, Triet Nguyen, Ha The Duc, Nguyen Tan Chu Duc, Giang Khanh Truc, Vu Thi Nhu Quynh
Support Artists Binh Quang Vu, Thien Phuc Tran Vu, Tran Vinh An, Tran Thao Ngan, Tran Thuy Hai Au, Tran Thi Mong Ngoc, Nguyen Duy Hung, Nguyen Thi Khanh Nhi, Tran Thi Phuong Ha, Vu Phong Son, Hai Luu Van, Huong Nguyen Gia Hue, Trinh Van Hieu, Pham Vu Huy

External Groups: Framestore NY

Production and VFX Framestore NY
Director David Mellor
Senior Producer Satoko Iinuma
Executive Producer Simon Whalley
VFX Supervisor Andy Walker
CG Leads Seth Golub, Spencer Lueders, Irene Kim
Flame Artists Raul Ortego, Maryanne Butler
CG Team Shayne Ryan, Christina Lum, Andy Rowan-Robinson, James Dick, Neil Weatherly, Theo Jones, Jenny Bichsel, Min Chung Cho, Tyler Heckman, Callum McKeveny, Jesse Flores, Jessenia Nauta, John Montefusco, Michael Dunkley, Jon Parker, Rob Dollase, Paul Wei, Alon Gibli, Iván Guerrero
Vehicle Recordings by Anders Adolfsson, Bernard Löhr, Mats Lundgren, Max Lachmann, Marcus Bergqvist, For Pole Position Production [www.pole.se]
Thanks to George Fuchs, Reiter Engineering [Hans/Ed/Martin/Matthias/Andi/Patrick/Hans/Karl/Werner/Christian/Schorschi] - for access to the Lamborghini Murcielago R-SV, Petra Pettersson, www.23gtr.se for acces to Nissan GT-R Switzer P800, Lotta De Salvatore, Christian Von Koenigsegg (at Koenigsegg), Eva Maria Elstner (at Audi Sweden), Bosse Jansson (at Porsche Sweden), Fred Mannerfelt (at Callisma Selected Cars Only), Bengt Appelqvist (at Fiat/Alfa Romeo Sweden), Jacopo Mosso (at Fiat Group - Italy)

External Groups: Donya Labs

Uses Simplygon(R), Copyright © 2010 Donya[R] Labs AB

External Groups: Script Consultant

Script Consultant Donna Kottle

External Groups: Reference Research

Reference Research Cara Payne

External Groups: Reference Photography

Reference Photography Greg Killmaster
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Credits contributed by john mutgi, Sciere.