Tomb Raider II
The much anticipated sequel to the best-selling title sets Lara Croft off to more exotic locations that have her fighting underwater enemies, swinging from chandeliers, climbing up walls and exploring enormous new 3D worlds.
KEY FEATURES: - New animated moves. - New weapons, including underwater harpoons. - New enemies, including more human foes. - New light sourcing effects for more realistic graphics. - Addictive gameplay combining action and adventure elements.
Eidos Interactive Game Catalog
Join Lara as she searches for The Dagger of Xian: an artifact hidden in an ancient Emperor's palace within the Great Wall of China. Legend has it that whoever drives the Dagger of Xian into their heart, acquires the power of the Dragon. The game begins at The Great Wall of China as Lara searches for the doors to the Emperor's palace. As the doors open, the plot un-folds sending Lara to the far off locations of Venice, Tibet and a sunken ship in search of clues. . .
GAME FEATURES: - Dynamic lighting allows for new environments and tools such as flares - New moves allow Lara to climb up walls, wade in shallow water and more - New clothing, including a wet suit and bomber jacket - New weaponry, including underwater harpoon and M-16 - All-new enemies, including more human foes New worlds to explore: China, Tibet, Venice and an underwater ship - Refined game engine - Smoother control system
Atari Australia website - PlayStation
Lassen Sie sich diesen Meilenstein der Spielgeschichte nicht entgehen! Lara Croft begibt sich auf die Spur des Dolches von Xian, der einem uralten chinesischen Glauben zufolge unvorstellbare Macht verleiht. Laras Abenteuer beginnt an der Chinesischen Mauer und fĂŒhrt sie zu den verschiedensten StĂ€tten. Ein absolutes MuĂ fĂŒr jeden Lara Croft Fan.
1999 Eidos game catalogue - Windows/PlayStation (Germany)
Lara Croft ist zurĂŒck. In ihrem neusten 3D-Action-Adventure begibt sich die abenteuerlustige ArchĂ€ologin auf die Spur des Dolches von Xian. Wer diese mystische Waffe entdeckt, bekommt einen alten chinesischen Glauben zufolge eine unvorstellbare Macht verliehen...
Laras gefĂ€hrliche Suche nach dem Dolch beginnt an der Chinesischen Mauer, doch schon kurz darauf fĂŒhrt die abenteuerliche Reise sie an die verschiedensten StĂ€tten rund um den Globus. Und Lara ist nicht allein - andere, finstere Banden haben das gleiche Ziel: den magischen Dolch in die Finger zu bekommen.
Erleben sie Lara Croft neu! Tomb Raider II bietet die herausragende Spielbarkeit des ersten Teils in einer neuen Dimension:
- Extrem schnelle Grafik-Engine mit flĂŒssiger Echtzeit-3D-Grafik und echtem Lightsourcing.
- Gigantische Innen- und AuĂenwelten voller herausfordernder RĂ€tsel und tĂŒckischer Fallen
- Neue Animationen und Bewegungsmöglichkeiten, ein vergröĂertes Waffenarsenal und eine Vielzahl bedrohlicher Gegner
- AtmosphÀrischer Soundtrack
- Volle Direct3D UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr alle High-End 3D-Grafikkarten
- Komplett in Deutsch
...sowie eine Story, die in ihrem spannenden Verlauf Laras aktobatischem Geschick alles abverlangt!
Back of Box - Windows (Germany)
Lara Croft returns in Tomb Raider II to discover the secret of the dagger of Xian. The ancient Chinese believed that whoever recovered this mythical dagger would gain powers beyond belief... provided they had the courage to plunge the dagger deep into their heart.
Lara's travels start at The Great Wall of China but it's not long before she's globe-trotting in hot pursuit of clues that will lead her to the ultimate goal. However, she's not alone in her new adventure: this time there are others who have a seemingly fanatical interest in the dagger.
Featuring an enhanced Lara Croft, complete with costume changes, Tomb Raider II combines the classic gameplay of the original with an array of enhanced exterior settings, new moves, new weapons and a plot that'll have Lara twisting and turning around every corner.
Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (UK)
Lara's on the Mac!
The award- winning Tomb Raider II is the second chapter in the
continuing saga of Lara Croft. Join Lara in her quest for The
Dagger of Xian, reputed to possess the power of the dragon.
But beware, Lara is not the only one in search of the dagger!
The adventure begins at The Great Wall of China, but is not
long before Lara is racing snowmobiles in Tibet and speeding
her way through the canals of Venice. With Lara's agility and
your skill there is no prize that will go unclaimed.
Explore Exotic Locations:
Tibet, China, Venice and a sunken ocean linerExciting Moves:
Swim, backflip, somersault,
climb, wade and even swing
from chandeliersArm Yourself With:
Automatic pistols, harpoon
gun, grenade launcher, M16
rifle, Uzis, shotguns, flares and more!Kill or Be Killed By:
Warrior Monks, Yetis, jaguars, great white sharks,
killer eels, rabid Dobermans and more!"Tomb Raider II is the
most anticipated game
for the Mac this year!"
MacAddict"Lara Croft has created a sensation everywhere!"
Time Magazine
Back of Box - Macintosh (US)
The unstoppable Lara Croft is back in TRII, complete with the
classic gameplay that made Tomb Raider the game of the year!Join Lara in her quest for The Dagger of Xian, reputed
to possess the power of the dragon. But beware, Lara is
not the only one in search of the dagger! Warrior Monks
and crazed cult members plot against you as you
travel from the remote mountain peaks of Tibet, the
canals of Venice and even to the bottom of the sea.
Tibet, China, Venice and a sunken ocean liner.NEW MOVES:
Swim, backflip, somersault, climb, wade, and even swing from
chandeliers.ARM YOURSELF WITH:
Automatic pistols, harpoon gun, rocket launcher, M16 rifle, Uzis,
shotguns, flares and more!KILL OR BE KILLED BY:
Warrior Monks, Yetis, jaguars, great white sharks, killer eels,
rabid dobermans and more!"The PC's preeminent
3D adventure game"
PC Gamer"...Spectacular, stretching the original
game's capabilities to their fullest."
PC Games
Back of Box - Windows (US)
A incansĂĄvel Lara Croft estĂĄ de volta em Tomb Raider II, com todas as
caracterĂsticas que fizeram de Tomb Raider um best-seller. Una-se a
Lara na busca de Adaga de Xian, que encerra o poder do dragĂŁo.
Mas tome cuidado: seitas de fanĂĄticos vĂŁo tramar contra vocĂȘ para
impedir seu avanço nas remotas montanhas do Tibet, nos canais de
Veneza e até no fundo do mar.
Tibet, China, Veneza e um navio submerso no oceano.NOVOS MOVIMENTOS:
Nade, dĂȘ cambalhotas e saltos mortais, escale superfĂcies Ăngremes, ande na
ågua e até... pendure-se em lustres!ARME-SE COM:
Pistolas automåticas, arpÔes, bazucas, rifles M16, metralhadoras Uzi, tochas
e muito mais!MATE OU MORRA:
Combata monges guerreiros, o AbominĂĄvel Homen das Neves, jaguares,
tubarÔes brancos, enguias assassinas, dobermans
enfurecidos e outras criaturas mortĂferas!
Back of Box - Windows (Brazil)
About This Game
The second instalment in the Tomb Raider series invites you to join Lara as she travels around the globe to retrieve a precious artefact before it falls into the wrong hands. The legendary artefact, the Dagger of Xian, is said to give its possessor the power of a fire breathing dragon.
Source: (English)
Lara Croft ritorna in Tomb Raider 2 per scoprire il segreto del pugnale di Xian. Gli Antichi Cinesi credevano che chiunque riuscisse a recuperare questo mistico pugnale avrebbe guadagnato poteri al di sopra di ogni immaginazione, sempre che avesse il coraggio di spingere il pugnale dentro al proprio cuore.
I viaggi di Lara cominciano sulla Grande Muraglia cinese ma non per molto, prima che il suo girovagare in cerca del tesoro la porti vicino alla meta finale. Comunque Lara non sarĂ sola nella sua aventura: questa volta ci sono altri concorrenti che mostrano un fanatico interesse per il mistico pugnale.
Con una nuova "avanzata" Lara Croft, con tanto di cambi di vestito durante l'avventura, Tomb Raider II combina la clasica giocabilitĂ dell'episodio originale con una serie di innovazioni como nuovi movimenti, nuove armi e una trama che vedrĂ Lara correre e "muoversi", dietro ogni angolo.
Back of Box - Windows (Italy)
Lara Croft est de retour et part Ă la recherche de la Dague de Xian. D'aprĂšs une lĂ©gende chinoise, celui qui dĂ©couvrira cette dague maguique gagnera le pouvoir du dragon ... Ă condition qu'il ait le courage de la plonger dans son cĆur.
Les aventures de Lara commencent sur la Grande Muraille de Chine et l'entraĂźneront Ă Venise, au Tibet, en Chine et sous les mers.
Mais Lara n'est pas seule Ă convoiter cet objet fabuleux, et elle devra affronter les tueurs de la mafia, des Yakuzas sanguinaires, de sombres moines guerriers et des monstres de cauchemar.
Plus belle que jamais, Lara possÚde de nouveaux mouvements, de noveaux costumes, de nouvelles armes et plusieurs véhicules pour vaincre tous les dangers.
Tomb Raider II vous entraßne dans une aventure pleine de rebondissements, dans des décors 3D fantastiques, en intérieur et en extérieur.
Aurez-vous le courage de suivre Lara jusqu'au bout du monde?
Back of Box - Windows (France)
Lara Croft returns in Tomb Raider II to discover the secret of the dagger of Xian. The ancient Chinese believed that whoever recovered this mythical dagger would gain powers beyond belief... provided they had the courage to plunge the dagger deep into their heart.
Lara's travels start at The Great Wall of China but it's not long before she's globe-trotting in hot pursuit of clues that will lead her to the ultimate goal. However, she's not alone in her new adventure: this time there are others who have a seemingly fanatical interest in the dagger.
Featuring an enhanced Lara Croft complete with costume changes, Tomb Raider II combines the classic gameplay of the original with an array of improved features including: enhanced engine, dynamic lighting, exterior settings, new moves, new weapons and a plot that'll have Lara twisting and turning around every corner.
Back of Box - Windows (UK)
The unstoppable Lara Croft is back in
Tomb Raider II.Join Lara in her quest for
The Dagger of Xian, reputed
to possess the power of the dragon.
But beware, Lara is not the only one
in the search of the dagger! Warrior
Monks and crazed cult members
plot against you as you travel
from the remote mountain peaks of
Tibet, the canals of Venice and even to
the bottom of the sea.
Tibet, China, Venice and a sunken ship.ARM YOURSELF WITH:
Automatic pistols, harpoon gun, rocket launcher,
M16 rifle, Uzis, shotguns, flares and more!KILL OR BE KILLED BY:
Warrior Monks, Yetis, jaguars, great white sharks,
killer eels, rabid Dobermans and more!"98 ADVENTURE GAME OF THE YEAR!"
Ultra Game Players
Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (US)
"Today's Hottest Game Character"
âUSA Today
The unstoppable Lara Croft is back in
Tomb Raider II.Join Lara in her quest for
The Dagger of Xian, reputed
to possess the power of the dragon.
Warrior Monks and crazed cult
members plot against Lara as she
travel from the remote mountain
peaks of Tibet, the canals of
Venice and even to the bottom of
the sea.
Tibet, China, Venice and a sunken ship.ARM YOURSELF WITH:
Automatic pistols, harpoon gun, rocket launcher,
M16 rifle, Uzis, shotguns, flares and more!KILL OR BE KILLED BY:
Warrior Monks, Yetis, jaguars, great white sharks,
killer eels, rabid Dobermans and more!"...MORE THAN AMBITIOUS AND COMPLEX
PS Extreme
Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation Greatest Hits release (US)
Contributed by jaXen, Xoleras, Zaibatsu, TechSmurfy, MAT, MZ per X.