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Choice of the Vampire

Moby ID: 48538



The game is proud enough of its research to include a bibliography in its "about" page: Berkeley, Kathleen C. Like a Plague of Locusts: From an Antebellum Town to a New South City, Memphis, Tennessee, 1850-1880. New York: Garland, 1991 * Blume, Helmut. The German Coast: During the Colonial Era, 1722-1803. Translated by Ellen C. Merill. Destrehan, LA: The German-Acadian Coast Historical and Genealogical Society, 1990. * Brister, Nancy. A Street by any other name. NewOrleans.com, 2009. * Deiler, J. Hanno. The Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana and the Creoles of German Descent. Philadelphia: Americana Germanica Press, 1909. * DeLatte, Carolyn E. ed. The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Series in Louisiana History. Vol 4, Part A Antebellum Louisiana, 1830-1860: Life and Labor. Lafayette, LA: University of Louisiana, Lafayette, 2004. * Erskine, John H. A Report on Yellow Fever as it appeared in Memphis, Tenn., in 1873. Public Health Papers and Reports. Vol 1, pp 385-392. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1875. * Labbe, Dolores Egger ed. The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Series in Louisiana History. Vol 3, The Louisiana Purchase and its Aftermath, 1800-1830. Lafayette, LA: University of Louisiana, Lafayette, 1998. * United States Marshals Service. www.usmarshals.gov * Wikipedia, in all its messy glory, for too many articles to count. * Yoes, Henry E. III. Louisiana's German Coast: A History of St. Charles Parish*. 2nd ed. Lake Charles, LA: Racing Pigeon Digest, 2005.

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Trivia contributed by Pseudo_Intellectual, Patrick Bregger.