Summer Challenge: Athletics Tournament

Moby ID: 48262

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Windows credits (2010)

105 people (95 professional roles, 10 thanks) with 116 credits.

49Games GmbH

CEO Jan-Hendrik Ohl
Producer Thomas Mahlke
Lead Game Designer Thomas Mahlke
Software Engineering Lead Peter Schraut
Art Director Florian Knappe
Technical Software Engineering Lead Dierk Ohlerich
Animation Lead André Adam
Audio Lead Michael Schröder
Head of Quality Assurance Kai Pioch
Game Designer Sebastian Merkel
Software Engineers Björn Gdanietz, Michael Haar, Tammo Hinrichs, Axel Meier, Leonard Ritter, Kai Rosebrock, Malte Thiesen, Daniel Trompetter, Roger Wiegels
Artists Jens Baumgardt, Daniel Callhoff, Christine Irnstetter, Matti Jäger, Sebastian Langhoff, Oliver Samland, Henning Weiß
Technical Software Engineers Richard Case, Adrian Dalecki, Fabian Giesen, Tammo Hinrichs, Vasco Lohrenscheit, Frederik Schneider
Technical Artist and Toolchain Jan Bauch
Technical Director Character Animation René Neumann
Character Animators Gunda Gerig, Olsen Groisseau, Sarah Hill, Aaron Marroquin, Andreas Schulz, Felix Wiesner
Sound Designer Philipp Muckenfuss (Pmuck Studio)
Text Kai Pioch
Localization Kai Pioch
Manual Kai Pioch
Translation t-recs Studios
Texter Andreas Samland
Voice Recording and Mastering Volker Schmiedchen
Voice Actors Mario Hassert, Jeremiah Costello, Roberto Rigamonti, Guillaume Boullay
Recording Studio sonoa studios Hamburg, t-recs studios Hamburg
Music Audiovibes-studios
QA Lead Tester Sebastian Oelke
QA Compliance Specialists Gerd Beckmann, Johannes Maiwald, Stefan Vogel
QA Team Benjamin Burchard, Florian Burchard, Thomas Feith, Jonathan Gürtler, Johann Kern, Viktor Kim, Daniel Klages, Lennart Müller, Vincent Pehrs, Marco Schmedding, Marcel Schmitz, Bastian Stölken, Michael Ubrich
Balancing Thomas Feith, Bastian Stölken
Motion Capture Director Andreas Samland
Motion Capture Services provided by Audiomotion Studios Ltd.
Audiomotion Studios Ltd. Andrew Gough, Mick Morris, Brian Mitchell, Matt Rank, Stacey Boisselle, Diarmaid O'Connor, James Witt, Tim Doubleday, Brian Unwin, Rachel Tudhope
Motion Capture Athletes Dean Macey, Simon Brown
Motion Capture Talent Oliver Hollis-Leick, Suzi Appleton, Ashley Beck, Bryn Lucas, Suzanne Cave, Rebecca Kenyon
Office Marianne Mülle
Special Thanks to Joe Nies

RTL Interactive GmbH (Games Publishing)

Head of Games Publishing Marc Schröder
Producing Nico Zettler, Gregor Bellmann
Marketing Andreas Balfanz, Jalil Abdallaoui
PR Andreas Balfanz, Jalil Abdallaoui
Sales Oliver Henneken
Controlling Andreas Ochsner
Special Thanks to Kerstin Busch, Eva Frings, Stephan Kassung, Fabienne Kißler, Sabine Moormann, Jörn Reinhold, Florian Schlochow, David Tebbe, Svea Vollbrecht
Using stb*image by Sean T. Barrett
Using stb*vorbis by Sean T. Barrett
Using ogg theora (c) 2002-2005 by Foundation
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Patrick Bregger.