I wish upon a shooting star...
Just listen to the main theme here and try not to cry. It's hard.
Critical mode seems overboard.
Interaction is this game's middle name.
... and this is the full name, by the way.
Tell me about it.
Lengthy cutscenes can be skipped, although they're an integral part of the game. Don't do it.
Plus, by skipping the scene you wouldn't get a glimpse of Mr. Mysterious Grey Goatee...
Carrying some deadweight somewhere... Convoluted story all the way.
No, I'm not a giant stalactite.
Child nudity shouldn't be allowed!
Creeeepy witch alert!
No one sleeps with their shoes on, c'mon.
With such a vast Universe out there, we're bound to NOT be alone...
Late for those night classes!
Don't tell me what to do!
Practice time!
Now THAT'S useful info.
Borrow... I wanna STEAL 'em.
Sure thing, Good Looking Stranger.
Nice dodge, kid!
I guess you know who the boss is now.
If power is born within the heart, doesn't that mean the Heartless are... powerless!!!
The ever-important saving point.
It's ok, you're not alone...
... Bad Surfer Mickey Mouse is here for you!
More beautiful than a rainbow.
Hmm, only the Fire element seems to be missing...
Divine Light shining through.
What a gigantic MISS.
Our first blinding victory!
Nice looking logos there.
C'mon kid, I told you, she's MY girl.
... No prob... but I guess she would rather FORGE with me...
The advantages of establishing bonds.
Pretty pink.
Star Trek time!
One hour in, so little munny.
Awful mugshot - like a true criminal.
Don't skip history lessons.
Question mark question mark question mark... I can't wait for the surprise.
Wait... what...
Oh, I see. It's Casino-time.
Huge-ass monopoly...
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...!!!
I... HATE... BUGS!
No, wait, I just want the sleeping babe...
The silliest pursuit ever.
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