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Medal of Honor: Underground

aka: MOHU, Medal of Honor: Resistance
Moby ID: 4761
PlayStation Specs
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Description official descriptions

The game is a prequel to Medal of Honor and it is set in the early stages of WWII. You play as Manon Batiste, who briefed the missions for you in the original Medal of Honor. She is a new member of a small band of French rebels who fight against the tyranny of the Germans.

There are 7 missions in total, featuring 12 different historical weapons. There are NPCs helping you out by cracking safes and driving. Not all enemies are on foot; expect to face tanks and bikes amongst other things. Enemy AI is responsive and sometimes surprising.

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Credits (PlayStation version)

149 People (107 developers, 42 thanks) · View all

Created by
Lead Engineer
Lead Artist
Lead Designer
Lead Animator
Lead Sound Designer
Associate Producer
Test Lead
Engineering Team
Tools Engineer
3D Art Team
Design Team
Shell Artist
Props/Texture Artist
Concept Artist
Sound Designer:
Character Animator
Asset Manager
[ full credits ]



Average score: 78% (based on 27 ratings)


Average score: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 62 ratings with 4 reviews)


The Good
The weapons and the missions. There are 24 missions in the game, and almost all of them are challenging and fun. They are highly diverse, and each develops the theme for that mission. The weapons are good too- from the "big joe" (an awful bow and arrow type contraption) to the Panzerfaust (a tank destroyer) the game is hours of fun.

The Bad
The ending was pathetic. What of the big climax? What of the celebrating in the streets? What of the replays of the best parts? The game itself was rather linear- if I did it and if my friend did it, we would have done the exact same thing. There is not much you can do to customize it. Also, you really don't get to know the characters. All in all though, it was a remarkable game.

The Bottom Line

PlayStation · by Joe Fry (4) · 2002

Medaling in Affairs

The Good
Just like the first game, makes decent (though not brilliant) use of graphics, sounds, Michael Giacchino's composition and physics. The introduction of tanks and halftracks makes for interesting variety and challenge. The variety in levels ranging from Paris to Morocco to Crete makes not only variety but also tells us something about the conflicts and Nazi activities at the time.

There are some good rewards for finishing your missions, once again the historical footage and explanations of the war and technology as well as very interesting behind-the-scenes material. And then the game has its very own parody-styled castle mission, which brings James Patterson back into action, but is also difficult to complete, with enemies having strange attack capabilities that the ones in the main gameplay don't have.

The Bad
There are so many historical inaccuracies in the game, including the late date of the Battle of Monte Cassino in June 1944. More inaccuracies are found in the weaponry being found in missions months before their production dates in real life. It seems like the game makers were glorifying the weapons rather than going for realism and using names, objects and places that took their fancy, suggesting that inadequate research went in the game's development. Other decisions made by the developers are really inconsistent, such as James Patterson being made Manon's partner a month after he joined the OSS and completed his first three missions, which messes up the plot.

Now the kinks in the gameplay. The multiplayer has the same faults as before. When it comes to weaponry, you often play the missions with three different weapons instead of four, talk about being under equipped. So many objectives now feel more like fetch quests than actual covert operations and the objective to hide the printing press is the most unimaginative one ever (why couldn't the Resistance do it themselves?). Once you get to the third level of the sixth mission, you have three dreaded rail-shooting segments that downgrade your targeting capabilities and accuracy. And to top it all off, you're hardly earning a medal after completing a mission, just souvenirs like a piece of V1 bomb, which defies the game's title.

The Bottom Line
It is evident that this game is a rushed and dished out prequel to Medal of Honor, which fails to provide the satisfaction from completing the objectives and accomplishing the missions. The fact that historical accuracy has dwindled gives the game a more tankbuster (not blockbuster) trend from a movie.

To this end, play this game just for kicks, but don't expect anything special. I can only recommend it to PlayStation and Medal of Honor collectors and not WW2 Enthusiasts. It's more fun to watch a satisfying WW2 movie like "The Guns of Navarone".

PlayStation · by Skippy_Chipskunk (40081) · 2021

Amazing to experience on a PSX.

The Good
You say it has WWII in it, and it's a first-person shooter, and I'm there. I remember years after Wolfenstein 3D how I yearned to see some WWII game as a FPS in hope to experience WWII more closely than I did in zombified Wolfenstein. First in a row that I embraced was Mortyr, though it wasn't WWII based only, and for some reason, it didn't goot me hooked alright.

Years after, I got my first console ever, a PS2, and my first game to work on it was MOHU. Due to games being cheaper for PSX, I got myself this one insted of some which I later added to my collection, and the moment I started it, it got me real-time. Sure, it would be silly to even try and compare it to PC graphic or similar games of a genre, but what it achieved on a simple PSX really amazed me. If for a fact I never thought of that console as being anything advanced at all. To me, it was just another white plastic box soon to be forgotten.

This games leads you through the entire WWII (and some unwanted more) throughout the role of a young rebel female heart, starting on the streets of paris and doing small missions such as trying to escape alive out of the city with just your gun, to later missions that require of you to sabotage V2 rocket compound, destroy weapon factories, shoot some evidence, disguise as a journalist and what all not. There is no driving vehicles from the side of a player, but some surprises on a variation do exist, but that's for you to experience if intrigued enough.

Weapon arsenal doesn't vary to extremely much but to the major need, a pistol, a shotgun, sniper rifle, machine gun, advanced machine gun, bazooka and hand grenades. Most of that is german weapon which you'll take from enemy troops you outsmart or outkill.

This game possesses great music that won't go unnoticed, and the atmosphere will live up to its full bloom due to that background effect. Sounds aren't anything extraordinary, but you'll be able to rely on sounds, like hearing the sound of straying bullets or an incoming german motorized patrol.

One of the nicest things to see in this game goes to an AI of enemy troops. Whereas your allies are made dumb, your enemies gained on being rather smart on occasion. Jumping across the walls, and hiding from your gunfire not always crazily rushing to kill you but waiting for an actual opportunity. If you throw a grenade near them, they will even try to pick it up and throw it back atcha. I mean, how good is that? Person like me sure appreciates being outsmarted by my opponents on such an intriguing non-cheating kinda way. Also nice touches such as when killing the soldier he will start shooting around while falling, managing to do harm to both you and/or his comrades. But so it wouldn't be just soldiers you deal with, there'll be shepherds, tanks, trucks, motorcycles, turrets, and even fighter planes, though some will just be to bomb you without giving you a hope for retaliation.

Game covers a lot of WWII conflicts, from early europian to african and ending war ones. If something you won't ever be, that's being bored of repetition. No siree. This game will give you what you paid for to get.

The Bad
As with all the games that start well (can you say 'Wolfenstein'), this one as well has to add something to ruin the entire setting of a game - knights, zombies and robots. The latter look like they're some sort of troopers that just came out from an early North & South war.

Whereas you can smoothly pass through almost all the stages of the game, with more or less trouble, the last stage is simply too tough. Not impossible, but I don't see the need of making a sole end of the game tough. It may only frustrate player who will then give up on the game. I cannot understand those that like passing hard ending feeling so happy to do so. They can select level of difficulty instead, 'cos why making just the sole ending hard. To hide some super ultimate CG which isn't there? Naah, it's a crap to make such endings, period.

The Bottom Line
I am no fan of Medal of Honor series, and by no means do I play to get Allied Assault, Frontline, or whatever's coming next. However, this one did intrigue me 'cos it showed me something which could be seen only decades ago, and that is achieving something miraculous with limited resources. And I would recommend it to anyone with PSX who likes FPS, no matter there are now better looking sequels for PS2, PC and Xbox. I'm not holding any grudge towards the Medal of Honor series in general, but from what I've tried in Allied Assault, I can frankly say I didn't like it. Sure, it was technically good, perhaps, but something just wasn't right there for me. Maybe it was too perfect in it's edgy graphic it had, or I didn't like the fact you had to fire 5 bazookas before you destroy a tank, I dunno, but it seemed more like gaining profit on created universe by just enhancing graphic, but don't listen to me. You go ahead and buy Allied Assault, everyone I know loved the game, from what I know, it's just me that doesn't. I'll rather play Wolfenstein anytime. However, this all may just be my personal disliking towards whatever came out of the newly merged company EA created after shutting down the Westwood, so please, don't take this review to your heart for any Medal of Honor game but Underground which I find really a worthy experience for a 1st generation console player. Inspite of nowadays' obsoletion, it still has a charm that can make you play it.

PlayStation · by MAT (241351) · 2012

[ View all 4 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
entry split? Rola (8478) May 27, 2013


German index

On 28 September 2002, Medal of Honor: Underground was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS. For more information about what this means and to see a list of games sharing the same fate, take a look here: BPjS / BPjM indexed games.



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  • MobyGames ID: 4761
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Goteki45.

PS Vita added by Charly2.0. PSP, PlayStation 3 added by Foxhack. Game Boy Advance added by Ace of Sevens.

Additional contributors: MAT, Jeanne, Xoleras, Patrick Bregger, Plok.

Game added August 14, 2001. Last modified March 11, 2025.