In Search of Dr. Riptide

Moby ID: 4550

DOS version

Action packed levels, hideous boss monsters, and undersea adventure!

The Good
The game is very action-packed, there are many different weapons including a pulse cannon (very effective), the game has a lot of secret levels, 3 different boss monsters including Dr. Riptide in the last level. The game does lack a simple mix of adventure with the action. The graphics are simple DOS graphics (that for some reason I like a lot). No way that this game is a common 2-D side-scrolling shooter, it’s really just a fun shooter, with absolutely nothing in common with any DOS shooter around.

The Bad
The sound is quite annoying, and the game itself can get very annoyingly tough at times, there are also some flaws in the storyline, the plot is both stupid and boring, and the evil doctor with a cape thing is also being repeated too much, in movies, books, and games.

The Bottom Line
I give Mindstorm 4& a 1/2 out of five for this game, I was going to say 5, but I thought about the flaws of the game and reconsidered. The game is no doubt very good, but because of the flaws it may not appeal to all gamers.

by Jim Fun (206) on September 27, 2001

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