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Microsoft Flight Simulator 98

aka: FS 98

Windows credits (1997)

155 people (150 professional roles, 5 thanks) with 194 credits.

Flight Simulator Team

Development Bruce A. Artwick, Bob Day, David Denhart, Paul Donlan, Nick Feng, Russ Glaeser, Tim Gregson, Eran Haimberg, Lee Kail, John Kane, Fred Kerr, Todd Laney (Patents), Barry Oliver, Mike Schroeter, Steve Setzler, Larry Shatos, Joe Stacy, Dan Weber, Tony Zander
Program Management Andrew Silverman
Product Planning Mike Mott
Product Marketing Jose Pinero
Product Support Phil Saitta
Art Courtney Barnes, Jane Bateman, Kate Bigel, Carolyn Farino, Ken Kenaston
Multimedia Production Bill Birney, Barry Dowsett, Annie Ferguson, Reid Johnson, Matt Johnston, Sterling Noren, Kiki Wolfkill
User Assistance Rich Bloch, Larry Boler, Carol Demeter, Bob Gardner, Lynn Guthrie, Yasmine Nelson, Jane Sinclair, Bruce Williams Zaccagnino
Quality Assurance Tony Bradley, Brent Conklin, Rick Conklin, Rick Daniels, Khoi Duong, Tom Fazekas, James Foster, Patrick Kennebec, Tom McDowell, Brian McGuire, Roy McMillion, Beth Oliver, Tom Sperry, Jon Stanley, Greg Swanson, Jimmy Vroman, Steve Wilson
Setup Development David Shoemaker, Craig Henry
Executive Management Shawn Firminger, Dean Lester, Marjorie Osterhout, Michelle Schultz-Schroud, Eric Straub
Legal Review Jean Bach, Tamera Brockway, Jeff Koontz
Intellectual Properties Erin Daly, Meredith Kirschner, Jessica Owens, Lisa Peterson, Gary Williams

Microsoft Flight Simulator Credits

© & (P) 1983-1997 Microsoft Corporation[All rights reserved.]
Microsoft, MS, Windows, the Windows logo, and Sidewinder 3D are either trademarks or registered trademarks of. Microsoft Corporation[in the United States and/or other countries.]
Microsoft Flight Simulator scenery designed for Microsoft Corporation by Microscene Inc.[under contract and produced by Microsoft Corporation.]
Satellite image processing for Las Vegas area scenery provided by the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan[Ann Arbor; Michigan.]
Portions © Copyright 1996-1997 FlightSafety International Inc.[All rights reserved.]
FlightSafety International is a registered trademark of FlightSafety International Inc.
MICHELIN is a registered trademark and is used with the permission of Michelin North America Inc.
BFGoodrich is a registered trademark of The B.F.Goodrich Company.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. This product is for entertainment purposes only and shall not be used for training purposes.[It is not part of an approved training program under the standards of the FAA or any other regulatory authority.]
Special thanks to the following for their contributions to the realism and spirit of Flight Simulator: FlightSafety International, Patty Wagstaff, The B. F. Goodrich Company, Aero Sport Inc., The Boeing Corporation
© & (P) 1983-1997 Microsoft Corporation[All rights reserved.]

User Interface Photo Credits

Patty Wagstaff's performance card photo provided by Patty Wagstaff Air Shows Inc.
Extra 300 in level flight photo provided by Patty Wagstaff Air Shows Inc.
Extra 300 in 90-degree flight photo provided by Patty Wagstaff Air Shows Inc.
Learjet 45 photos provided by Learjet.
Globe photo provided by NOAA/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers Inc.
E6B navigation circular slide rule/Visual Dictionary of Flight photo provided by Andy Crawford (Dorling Kindersley)
Rotary engine/eyewitness flying machine photo provided Dorling Kindersley
Commercial airport, aerial photo provided by George Hall (Check Six)
Cessna Skylane 182 photo provided by Lonna Tucker (Check Six)
Boeing 737 photo provided by George Hall (Check Six)
Cessna 182RG photo provided by Richard Neville (Check Six)
Cessna Skylane RG photos provided Cessna Aircraft Company
Cessna Skylane 182S photos provided Cessna Aircraft Company
Bell 206B JetRanger III photos provided by Bell Helicopter Textron Inc
Palouse Valley aerial photo provided by Chuck Pefley
Urban sprawl aerial photo provided by Gary Milburn (Tom Stack & Associates)
Altocumulous clouds photo provided by Mary Clay (Tom Stack & Associates.)
Learjet 60 at Salton Sea photo provided by Mike Fizer Photography
Front of prop plane photo provided by Mike Fizer Photography
Aviator glasses photo provided by Bausch & Lomb Inc.
Sopwith Camel photo provided by David Davies (Air Portraits)
Cityscape photos ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 16]
Logbook photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 8]
Mountains on globe photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 16]
Clouds photos ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 6]
Water on brown earth photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 16]
Crops photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 19]
Sun burst and blue sky photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 19]
Background photos ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 16]
Calculator photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 1]
Hand holding CD photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 14]
Computer photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 1]
Buildings photo ©1996 PhotoDisc Inc.[volume 16]

Pilot's Help Photo Credits

Cessna Skylane 182S photos provided Cessna Aircraft Company
Bell 206B JetRanger III photos provided by Bell Helicopter Textron Inc
Learjet 45 photos provided by Learjet
Close-up of Patty Wagstaff, aerobatic pilot provided by Patty Wagstaff Air Shows Inc
Simulator training photos in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
FlightSafety students photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Sectional chart photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Piper Seminole trainers photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Preflight planning photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Scanning photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Right of way rules photos in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Altimeter photos in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Class C airspace photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Class B airspace photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Class B airspace chart photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
IFR training photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Airflow/stalls photos in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Traffic pattern photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Pitot-static system photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Pitot tube photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc , FlightSafety International Inc
Vertical speed indicator photos in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Airflow photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Checking weather photo in Pilot's Help provided by of FlightSafety International Inc
Space Shuttle Discovery photo in Pilot's Help provided by Corbis-Bettman
Wright military plane photo in Pilot's Help provided by Corbis-Bettman
Douglas Corrigan photo in Pilot's Help provided by UPI/Corbis-Bettman
Clarence L. (Kelly) Johnson photo in Pilot's Help provided by UPI/Corbis-Bettman
Geoffrey De Havilland photo in Pilot's Help provided by UPI/Corbis-Bettman
Orville Wright photo in Pilot's Help provided by Corbis-Bettman
Voyager at Edwards AFB photo in Pilot's Help provided by UPI/Corbis-Bettman
FA/18 Hornet/Blue Angels photo in Pilot's Help provided by Check Six
Boeing 747-400 photo in Pilot's Help provided by George Hall (Check Six)
F-15 Eagle photo in Pilot's Help provided George Hall (Check Six)
F/A-18D Strike Hornet photo in Pilot's Help provided by Joe Towers (Check Six)
Cessna 182RG photo in Pilot's Help provided by Richard Neville (Check Six)
B-25 Mitchell photo in Pilot's Help provided by Dan Simonsen (Check Six)
De-icing at Logan Airport photo in Pilot's Help provided by John Clark (Check Six)
Flight attendant photo in Pilot's Help provided by Tom Tracy (FPG International)
Man with basketball photo in Pilot's Help provided by Michael Golman (FPG International)
Charles Lindbergh photo in Pilot's Help provided by FPG International
Water tower in Bourbon photo in Pilot's Help provided by Dale Kirksey (FPG International)
Rivers in Utah photo in Pilot's Help provided by James Porto (FPG International)
Interstate highway in Washington DC photo in Pilot's Help provided by James Pickerell (FPG International)
Railroad tracks aerial photo in Pilot's Help provided by Steve Gottlieb (FPG International)
NASA weather satellite photo in Pilot's Help provided by Gerald French (FPG International)
Radar sensors at weather station photo in Pilot's Help provided by FPG International
Provencia Island airport photo in Pilot's Help provided by Marco Corsetti (FPG International)
Chicago airport runway at dusk in Pilot's Help provided by Ken Reid (FPG International)
Namibia desert dunes photo in Pilot's Help provided by Jean-Paul Manceau (Tony Stone Images)
Arctic Ocean/birds photo in Pilot's Help provided by John Beatty (Tony Stone Images)
Car and storm clouds overhead photo in Pilot's Help provided by Chris Johns (Tony Stone Images)
Airplanes in fog on runway photo in Pilot's Help provided by Jeffrey Zaruba (Tony Stone Images)
Earth photo in Pilot's Help provided by NASA[Tony Stone Images]
Pinwheel photo in Pilot's Help provided by Jim Corwin (Tony Stone Images)
Air traffic control room photo in Pilot's Help provided by Paul Chesley (Tony Stone Images)
Grass field landing photo in Pilot's Help provided by Kathy Bushue (Tony Stone Images)
Sergei Via Dimirovich Ilyshin and Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan photo in Pilot's Help provided by Sovfoto
Circuit Breakers in Cessna photo in Pilot's Help provided by Mike Fizer Photography
Dallas sectional chart photo in Pilot's Help provided by Mike Fizer Photography
Traffic Pattern/Airman's Information Manual photo in Pilot's Help provided Mike Fizer Photography
Flight instructor with student photo in Pilot's Help provided by Mike Fizer Photography
Human ear photo in Pilot's Help provided by Peter Cull (Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers Inc)

Textures Photo Credits

Urban Seattle, Washington, aerial photos provided by Adrien Meredith Hefta
Java, Indonesia, aerial photo provided by Guido Alberto Rossi (The Image Bank)
City buildings, Tokyo, aerial photo provided by Peter Hendrie (The Image Bank)
Santorini, Greece, aerial photo provided by Andrea Pistolesi (The Image Bank)
Point Reyes, California, aerial photo provided by Barrie Rokeach (The Image Bank)
Canadian tundra aerial photo provided by John Eastcott (YVA Momatiuk/The Image Works)
Alaska aerial photo provided by Earth Scenes[Animals Animals]
Tucson suburb aerial photo provided by Joe Sohm (Corbis)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Kabushi, piltdown_man.