Uncle Henry's Playhouse
Uncle Henry's MindBlower,
Uncle Henry's MindBlower: THE Puzzles from: The 7th Guest, The 11th Hour
Moby ID: 4531
Windows credits (1996)
44 people with 49 credits.
Credits |
Executive Producers | Rob Landeros, Graeme J. Devine |
Producer | Jean-Marc Chemla |
Puzzle Design (Rätseldesign) | Rob Landeros, Graeme J. Devine, James S. Yokota |
Art Director | Tito Pagan |
Lead Artist | Andy Anderson |
Puzzle Artwork (Rätsel-Artwork) | John Gaffey, Carl Jackson, Rob Landeros, Ken Nash, Mark Peasley, Robert Stein III, Linda Sturgeon |
Additional Artwork (Zusätzliche Artwork) | Robert Stein III |
GROOVIE System Authoring | Graeme J. Devine |
Game Development (Spielentwicklung) | Preston Moser |
Tool Development (Toolentwicklung) | Craig Peterson, Roy L. Eyman II (credited as Roy Eyman) |
Build Engineer | Monty Zukowski |
Development Lead (Entwicklungsleitung) | Danny Dishon |
Music and Sound Effects (Musik und Geräuscheffekte) | Adam Levenson |
Trailer Editor | Andy Dunn |
Production Assistant (Produktionsassistenz) | Victoria Miller |
Quality Assurance Manager (Leitung Qualitätssicherung) | Chad Soares |
Lead Tester (Cheftester) | Gerri Searcy |
Additional Testers (Weitere Tester) | Gentry Smith, Guy Stults, Steve Whipple |
Technical Support (Technischer Support) | Bob Cook, Shannon Norrell |
VP Marketing | Jane LeFevre |
Product Manager (Produktmanager) | Michael Weizer |
Marketing Assistant (Marketingassistenz) | Kylie Clement |
PR Assistant (PR-Assistenz) | Dana Miller |
Manual (Handbuch) | Sara Reeder, Reeder/Writer |
German Localization |
German Localization (Deutsche Lokalisierung) | Bianca Normann |
German Translation (German Uebersetzung) | zeiX image digital publishing GmbH |
German Version: Softgold Computerspiele GmbH |
Project Lead (Projektleitung) | Stephan Kramer |
Manual Translation (Handbuchübersetzung) | Oliver Jörg |
Product Manager (Produkt-Manager) | Antje Sprekeler |
Production Logistics (Produktlogistik) | Anja Stromer |
Lecturer (Lektorat) | Annette Janke |
Production (Produktion) | Jörgen Schlegel |
Design (Gestaltung) | Heiko Höpfner |
Litho | DTK Publishing Service |
Printing (Druck) | Lippert Druck & Verlag |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
MobyPro Early Access
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Clandestiny, a group of 24 people
- Tender Loving Care, a group of 23 people
- The 11th Hour, a group of 12 people
- Outlaws, a group of 6 people
- The 7th Guest, a group of 6 people
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Other Games
MobyPro Early Access
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Adam Levenson on 118 other games
- Jörgen Schlegel on 57 other games
- Oliver Jörg on 53 other games
- Heiko Höpfner on 51 other games
- Bianca Normann on 49 other games
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Credits contributed by Iggi.