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Uncle Henry's Playhouse

aka: Uncle Henry's MindBlower, Uncle Henry's MindBlower: THE Puzzles from: The 7th Guest, The 11th Hour
Moby ID: 4531

Windows credits (1996)

44 people with 49 credits.


Executive Producers Rob Landeros, Graeme J. Devine
Producer Jean-Marc Chemla
Puzzle Design (Rätseldesign) Rob Landeros, Graeme J. Devine, James S. Yokota
Art Director Tito Pagan
Lead Artist Andy Anderson
Puzzle Artwork (Rätsel-Artwork) John Gaffey, Carl Jackson, Rob Landeros, Ken Nash, Mark Peasley, Robert Stein III, Linda Sturgeon
Additional Artwork (Zusätzliche Artwork) Robert Stein III
GROOVIE System Authoring Graeme J. Devine
Game Development (Spielentwicklung) Preston Moser
Tool Development (Toolentwicklung) Craig Peterson, Roy L. Eyman II (credited as Roy Eyman)
Build Engineer Monty Zukowski
Development Lead (Entwicklungsleitung) Danny Dishon
Music and Sound Effects (Musik und Geräuscheffekte) Adam Levenson
Trailer Editor Andy Dunn
Production Assistant (Produktionsassistenz) Victoria Miller
Quality Assurance Manager (Leitung Qualitätssicherung) Chad Soares
Lead Tester (Cheftester) Gerri Searcy
Additional Testers (Weitere Tester) Gentry Smith, Guy Stults, Steve Whipple
Technical Support (Technischer Support) Bob Cook, Shannon Norrell
VP Marketing Jane LeFevre
Product Manager (Produktmanager) Michael Weizer
Marketing Assistant (Marketingassistenz) Kylie Clement
PR Assistant (PR-Assistenz) Dana Miller
Manual (Handbuch) Sara Reeder, Reeder/Writer

German Localization

German Localization (Deutsche Lokalisierung) Bianca Normann
German Translation (German Uebersetzung) zeiX image digital publishing GmbH

German Version: Softgold Computerspiele GmbH

Project Lead (Projektleitung) Stephan Kramer
Manual Translation (Handbuchübersetzung) Oliver Jörg
Product Manager (Produkt-Manager) Antje Sprekeler
Production Logistics (Produktlogistik) Anja Stromer
Lecturer (Lektorat) Annette Janke
Production (Produktion) Jörgen Schlegel
Design (Gestaltung) Heiko Höpfner
Litho DTK Publishing Service
Printing (Druck) Lippert Druck & Verlag
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Iggi.