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Moby ID: 45244

Windows credits (2010)

8 people with 15 credits.

Programming Rémi Gillig (speps), Antoine Guerchais (K'Droben)
Game Designers Rémi Gillig (speps), Antoine Guerchais (K'Droben), Hoël Jacq (Putakrak), Pierre Lemasson (Pilou), Victor Parent (Saint-Verge), Martial Potron (Lambric)
Lead Graphic Designer Pierre Lemasson (Pilou)
Graphic Designer Hoël Jacq (Putakrak)
Sound Designers Victor Parent (Saint-Verge), Aymeric Schwartz, Arnaud Noble
Producer Martial Potron (Lambric)
Level Designer Martial Potron (Lambric)
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sciere.