Title screen
Nicholas Anderson, Fred's father
Max, Fred's best friend
Canyon. Of course!
This is the smallest main menu I've ever seen :-)
Wild West game without a saloon? No way!
Bartender! Gimme... hic!!.. whiskey, of coursssshh!..
Finally, there is a real Christian church in a Japanese RPG...
Low-level enemies
Wild area with cactuses. Or cacti? 'Scuse my Latin :)
Lonely man in an empty house... Tsk, tsk...
Fred is talking to Max
Here you can buy newspapers
Ransom note
Fred's stats
High level boss is waiting...
...and now we have to defeat him!
High-level random enemies
Typical dungeon - mountain path
Attacking golem-like dudes
Grassy area
Casting magic on fireball-like guys
Crossing a bridge
Cut scene: conversation
This bar looks nice...
Exploring a rich house. Paintings and all...
Ship sailing is not interactive
Opening magic menu while facing strong demon-like fellows
You can change equipment in battle
A stable! Cool!
Lots of support magic. Meow!
This dungeon looks a bit out of place in a Wild West game...
Fighting... zombies? That's right. Let's cast a spell on them!
Found a treasure chest!
Outside of a large city
Secluded house
Exploring a library. Fred makes comments
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