🕹️ Check out the major LABS update for the platformer Bread & Fred


aka: D no Shokutaku, D: Das Geheimnis zu lösen bedeutet in die dunkle Seite Deiner Seele zu sehen, D: Résoudre le Mystére...Explorer le Côté Noir de Votre âme, D: Solving the Mystery Means Visiting the Dark Pit of Your Soul, D: The Game

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 63% (based on 38 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.4 out of 5 (based on 40 ratings with 1 reviews)

A under-rated survival horror.

The Good
This game in it's time was pretty entertaining. The story was pretty interesting and kept you thinking. In this game your the daughter of Dracula and you return to the mansion you were raised in trying to solve your mother's murder. For some reason you have a limited amount of time so make haste. This game has a lot of cut scenes that are in the form of flashbacks. A lot of the environment is interactive, like the bowl on the dining room table that fills with blood. There are a lot of puzzles to be solved and some action sequences that were insane. Like the part were you fight an armor suit. I don't want to say too much or else it will spoil the game but I can say that there are 2 endings completely different from one another.

The Bad
It was spooky and all but could have been a little more scary.

The Bottom Line
An original Horror/Survival game, definitely worth playing.

PlayStation · by DudeOfMonson (97) · 2007

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Bozzly, Big John WV, SlyDante, Tim Janssen, WONDERなパン, Alex Fest, vedder, Patrick Bregger, mikewwm8, Riemann80, Scaryfun, Alaka, chirinea, Alsy, Wizo, RhYnoECfnW, Parf, Utritum, EonFear, Sciere, Omnosto, Apogee IV, DSFC.