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Moby ID: 44

“Now you’re really in trouble” said the Evil Wizard, “I’m turning you into a ball and sending you into a mansion with over 150 rooms!!” “If that sounds easy I’m telling you it’s not, the ball’s got a slow puncture and you’ll need to jump on a pump to pump it up in some rooms, but take heed, if you pump it up too much it will burst! In the rooms you’ll have to pick up objects I’ve left, such as crosses, tins of beans, a Buddha, a dragon statue, a pumpkin, a flask and also crates that you’ll need to get over obstacles! At the end of the maze is a spellbook that will turn you back into a human again.”“Sounds easy” you say to the Evil Wizard. “Does it now! Well I’m putting spikes in the rooms as well, not just one kind but different kinds that react differently and killer pads on the floor, you’ve got no chance of success . . . Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“Jetzt sind Sie wirklich in Schwierigkeiten,“ sagte der böse Zauberer. “Ich werde Sie in einen Ball verwandeln und Sie in ein Schloß mit 1 50 Zimmern schicken. Wenn sich das Leicht anhört, ich sage es ihnen es ist nicht, aus dem Ball geht langsam die Luft raus und Sie mußen in einigen Zimmern auf eine Pumpe springen um ihn aufzupumpen, aber nehmen Sie sich in Acht, wenn Sie zu viel Luft reinpumpen wird er platten. In den Zimmern mußen Sie gegenstĂ€nde, die ich Hinterlaßen habe, wie Kreuze, dosen mit bohnen, einen Buddha, eine Drachenfigur einen KĂŒrbis, eine Thermoflasche, aufnehmen. Im Hindernisse zu bewĂ€tigen befinden sich Kisten in den Zimmern. Am Ende des lrrgarten_ ist, ein Buch mit ZaubersprĂŒchen, welches Sie in einen Menschen zurĂŒck verwandelt. Hört sich Leicht an, Sie sagen zum bösen Zauberer, tue es nur‘ Aha aber ich habe auch dornen und Stacheln in den Zimmern, nicht nur eine sorte, verschiedene und alle reagieren Sie anders und der Fußboden hat tödliche fallen. Sie haben keine Chance erfolg zu haben. . .ha! Ha! ha!“ Airball. . .das letzte und erfolgreichste Spiel von Edward Scio.

Airball . . . The latest and greatest game from Edward SCIO.


Back of Box - Amiga (United Kingdom/Germany)


Amiga & Atari ST Versions by Edward ScioIBM Version by: Timothy M. Purves


The wizard's mansion.

A dangerous room.

"Now you're really in trouble" said the Evil Wizard. "I'm hinting you into a ball of air and sending you into my mansion, with over 250 rooms, to search for Spellbook that may give you the clues on how to transform yourself into a human again It's not as easy as it sounds, for you, as the ball of air, have a slow leak, and you'll need to jump on an air pump in some rooms to remain inflated. Take heed, for if you pump up too much you will burst! If you are lucky enough to find the book in these moms, you'll next have to pick up the objects I've left, such as: crosses, tins of beans, a Buddha, a dragon statue, a pumpkin, a flask, and even crates that you'll need to get over treacherous obstacles! This is your one chance for survival", he cackles.

"Sounds easy” you laughingly boast to the Evil Wizard.

"Oh! Does it now?" He sneers. "Well, I’m also putting spikes in the rooms that will take your breath away , as well as killer pads on the floor. You have no chance for success ... Hee! Hee! Hee!”


A room of certain doom.

Look out for the killer pads!


Back of Box - Amiga/DOS (US)

You play the part of ‘Airball’ as an evil wizard has turned you into a bouncing ball of air with a slow leak! The only way to break the spell is to find the various ingredients and the spell book to break the magic curse!

Work your way through the hundreds of levels of isometric rooms on your quest. Remember on each level if you stay on an ‘inflating station’ for too long it will cause you to burst! You can monitor your air level with the onscreen gauge.

Using the directional controls and the jump button, jump across gaps and weave through obstacles.

Get points by gathering gems during your quest, and ascend stairs by jumping, but watch out for the spikes and other hazards which will burst you!

For some levels you will need to obtain special items to proceed such as candles for dark rooms, but don’t forget you are always up against the clock as you are slowing deflating, so also keep a look out for the random pumps to inflate you and buy you more time but without over pressurising and bursting yourself!

Will you find the ingredients and use the spell book to lift the curse and save yourself before time runs out! Good luck Airball!## History

Originally released in 1987 across multiple formats including MS-DOS, Amiga, Atari and others. This version is the MS-DOS version.


Steam Store Description

Contributed by Patrick Bregger, Rik Hideto, jean-louis.

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