🕹️ Pre-orders now open for physical editions of MMPR: Rita's Rewind

Pokémon Blue Version

aka: Pokémon: Blaue Edition, Pokémon: Blaue Edition - Schnapp' sie Dir alle!, Pokémon: Blue Version - Gotta catch 'em all!, Pokémon: Edición Azul, Pokémon: Edición Azul - ¡Atrápalos ya!, Pokémon: Version Bleu, Pokémon: Versione Blu, Pokémon: Versione Blu - Acchiappali tutti!, Pokémon: Versão Azul - Agarre todos... se puder!
Moby ID: 4397

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Official Game Page - Nintendo.com [ add images ]

Official Nintendo of America website, May 2001


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