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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

aka: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Prypiat, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Zew Prypeci, STALKER: Call of Pripyat, STALKER: Call of Prypiat
Moby ID: 43313

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Windows credits (2009)

187 people (140 professional roles, 47 thanks) with 198 credits.

GSC GameWorld

Producer Sergey Grygorovych (GSC)
Project Manager Anton Bolshakov
Lead Designer Yuriy Negrobov
Art Director Ilya Tolmachev
Lead Programmer Dmitriy Iassenev
Lead Game Designer Ruslan Didenko
Level Design Evgeniy Zaitsev, Konstantin Mironov, Sergey Kurbatov, Roman Androshchuk, Yuriy Konstantinov, Igor Pasichniy, Victor Merkulov, Sergey Maystrenko
Lead Animator Pavel Markevich
Animators Evgeniy Yablon, Vladimir Korunchak
Character Models Alexandr Kovach, Sergey Maystrenko
Textures Lyudmila Starodub, Igor Sidorenko
UI & Graphics Roman Nesin
Lead Gameplay Programmer Andrew Kolomiets
Lead AI Programmer Andrew Kolomiets
Lead Renderer Programmer Igor Lobanchikov
Lead Physics Programmer Konstantin Slipchenko
Lead Animation Programmer Konstantin Slipchenko
Network Programmer Alexandr Maniluk
Mutant-AI Programmer Sergey Chechin
Gameplay Programmer Evgeniy Sokolov (Sea), Alexander Plichko, Sergey Prishepa, Denis Khimera
BI Programmer Evgeniy Sokolov (Sea)
Lead BI Programmer Andrew Kolomiets
Optimizer Sergei Ivantsov
Scripter Alexander Plichko, Sergey Prishepa, Denis Khimera
Game Designer Andriy Verpahovskiy, Petr Dushinskiy, Andrey Zalokukin, Yuriy Yurievich Skripal, Alexander Demidenko
Sound Prodicer Dmitry Kuzmenko
Music Vladimir Frey (MooZe), Alexey Omelchuk
Additional Music FireLake, Addaraya
Russian Voice Actors Yuriy Borisenok, Aleksandr Vilkov, Anatoliy Bogush, Angelica Girich, Vladimir Tereschuk, Grigoriy German, Oleg Stalchuk, Evgeniy Malukha, Ivan Rozin, Areniy Timoshenko
Localization Eugene Kuchma (Smile)
Game Dialogue Yuriy A. Besarab, Taras Volynets (Tatarik), Lefty
Copy Editor Vladimir Litvinenko (Fiachna)
English Localization Kisin Language Services
Localization Project Manager Konstantin Kisin
Translator Konstantin Kisin, Mikhail Kropotov
Publisher Mark Berelekhis
QA Manager Dmitry Krivets, Pavel Mikhailov
Tester Sergey Shelest, Kirill Koval, Igor Konoval, Gleb Shevchuk, Ilshan Gurbanov, Ivan Gaiduchenko, Maxim Semeniy, Anastasia Voskolovich, Vladimir Voronin, Dmitriy Davidyan, Andrey Kirienko, Danila Poperechniy, Yuri Falchenko, Mikhail Dvornikov, Denis Yusupov, Elena Dovgoluk, Vladimir Morev
PR Department Oleg Yavorsky, Valentin Eltishev, Yuriy A. Besarab, Olga Kuzhel
Marketing Materials Roman Nesin, Olga Troekurova, Ivan Khivrenko
Sales & Acquisitions Victoria Boyko
Web Programmer Sergey Terliuk
Special Thanks to Alexander Novikov, Igor Gramotkin, and the rest of the staff and the administration of the Chernobyl Power Plant for their continuing support, Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Administration for their permission to do our crazy research, The staff at Chernobylinterinform for their support, Alexander Naumov (for his awesome input and his noble mission), The band FIRELAKE [www.firelake.kiev.ua] and their friends Addaraya for the Rock-Soundtracks, Ilya Novak (for her help with the composition of the plot), UKRGAME.NET for their continuing online support of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., all our countless fans worldwide who passionatly support the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-project
Our Thanks go to Aleksey Badalov (Don Reba), Marcos Duarte (Pixel), Megamat, Abe, Dark, Artem Zuev (BAC9-FLCL), Maciej Prieditis (Stierlitz), Dennis Tchernox (Siro), Aleksey Belendinov (Hash), DaimoN, Leks, Sooltan DJ, Ygrek, NatVak, Alexander Abramov (Leks; Stalker-Portal.ru), Igor Soloviev (Gag; Stalker-Portal.ru), Aleksey Dronov (DaimoN; Stalker-Portal.ru)
Special thanks to everyone who organised and was part of the Airsoftmix-RPG S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Reality but especially Dmitry Ivanov (Comandor), Eugene Khaletskiy (Mulder), Sergey Leshenko (Tur), Denis Kotlyar (Fiedel), Vladimir Smolkin (Rover), Dmitry Gurevich (Professor), Stanislav Legkobit (Chesba), Konstantin Kryukov (Inquisitor), Gild, Zeel, Andrey Pauk, Valerian Golovchenko (Igumen AKA oVal), Ashot, BigZ
Enormous thanks from the whole team to Every single S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-fan

Bitcomposer Games GmbH

Managing Director Oliver Neupert, Wolfgang Duhr
Product Management Stephan Barnickel, Lukasz Szczepanczyk
Title Photo by Siegfried Stegmüller (from his photoproject 'Zone Picnic' [www.zonepicnic.com])

Cenega QA

Project Managers Marcin Gutowski, Łukasz Wątroba
Lead Testers Jerzy Chrul, Jakub Gabryel, Marcin Górniak, Maciej Mazurek, Łukasz Osiński, Lukasz Ruminski, Paweł Strzelczyk, Marcin Szwargolinski
Testers Arkadiusz Bochenek, Wojciech Borowy, Stanislaw Burtsau, Wojciech Ciemny, Łukasz Derewońko, Rafal Durajczyk, Maciej Dziarnowski, Cezary Galach, Pawel Golubinski, Tomasz Gościcki, Norbert Jankowski, Aleksander Keska, Łukasz Kobylanski, Artur Komorek, Szymon Łazarski, Daniel Mankowski, Piotr Mazurkiewicz, Damian Mielnik, Dawid Mrozowski, Bartosz Peas, Jacek Piotrowski, Sebastian Rejent, Filip Resiak, Mateusz Rekorajski, Piotr Samborowski, Mikołaj Sitkiewicz, Tomasz Sobotka, Pawel Stempien, Omar Al-Shekhly, Rafal Szekalski, Maciej Szumowski, Jakub Trudzik, Andrzej Wardziak, Marek Zdziarski, Michal Zegarski, Albert Zmudzki, Maciej Abramowicz, Kamil Bilinski, Damian Bajorek
Special Thanks to Krzysztof Binkowski, Paweł Grzywaczewski, Dominik Wójcik, Łukasz Rynkowski, Bartosz Zukowski
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sicarius, qloctest 01, GTramp.