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WWII Online: Blitzkrieg

aka: WWIIO, World War II Online, World War II Online: Battleground Europe
Moby ID: 4297

[ Macintosh add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2001)

94 people (16 professional roles, 78 thanks) with 96 credits.

Staff of Cornered Rat Software / Playnet, Inc.

Senior Producer Dana Baldwin (Gophur)
Assistant Community Manager John Brockhausen (Ny75)
Chief Marketing Officer Matt Callahan (Xoom)
Chief Technical Officer Dave Carlton (Tgunr)
Assistant Game Manager Giovanni Casula (Lince), Marc Richardson (Kyotee), Kirk Seitz (Kms)
Lead Artist James Chilton (Volcol)
Support Director Steve Daniels (Bloo)
Producer Steve Daniels (Bloo), Geof Evans (Doc)
Game Manager Geof Evans (Doc)
Community Manager Terry Fazekas (Ohm)
Lead Client Programmer Ken Finney (Cerdip)
Lead Forum Moderator Richard Hess (Gvonpaul)
President & CEO Jim Mesteller (Maypole)
Intern Programmer Tassos Stam (Pixelmyr)
Lead Game Moderator Bill Waechter (Chkicker)
Our gratitude for talent, vision and dedication goes to all former RATS AHWulf, Animal, Arradin, Bable, Badger, Bierbaer, Caligula, Caveman, Codec, Corn, Crawdad, Dekard, Dragon, Edthehead, Elmo, Fogaban, Fredrik1, Frytiger, Gnache, Granik, Greatone, Greni, Gryf, Hallpass, Hatch, Hawkmoon, Hoof, Hoss, Jaeger, Jokerzwild, Kango, Kfs1, Killer, Krieger, LadyJ, Latham, Lexfire, Lindir, Maco, Martini, Meat, Mediiic, Mo, Monty, Motormouth, Mumbles, Newzguy, Rafter, Ramp, Rickb, Rogue, Salad, Shef, Sherman, Shilling, Showkillr, Snail, Snicker, Soloje, Squirm, Staffel, Stick, Sudz, Tadpole, Tater, TheChosn, Thunder, Tongue, TopD, Toto, Tragic, Trips, Troper, Vandal, Vixen, Vozz, Wickett, Wildhund and the others that may have been unintentionally missed
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.

Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by Kabushi.