The Sting!
Der Clou 2,
Der Clou 2: City of Darkness,
Der Clou! 2: Die Einbruchsimulation,
Road of the Sting,
The Sting! El Golpe del Siglo,
The Sting!: Kariera Gangstera,
The Sting!: The Blag Simulation,
Moby ID: 4295
Windows credits (2001)
120 people (79 professional roles, 41 thanks) with 135 credits.
neo Software |
Producer | Hannes Seifert |
Lead Content Creator | Marin Gazzari |
Content Creator | Georg Heinz, Thomas Zajic |
Game Designers | Erwin Kloibhofer, Hannes Seifert |
Lead Programmer | Erwin Kloibhofer |
Programmers | Peter Melchart, Christoph Soukup, Tobias Sicheritz |
Lead Digital Artist | Ulrich Radhuber |
Digital Artists | Jan Wachter, Christian Haas, Peter Pisarik, Michael Sormann |
Artwork | Barbara Ringseis |
Music | Thomas Schweitzer, Markus Mayer |
Sound Design | David Brandstätter |
Sound Effects | Georg Heinz, Bernhard List, David Brandstätter |
Cat Overdub | Barbara Ringseis |
Lead Project Manager | Kaweh Kazemi |
Project Manager | Bernhard List |
Project Management Assistant | Monika Sange |
Lead Tester | Marin Gazzari |
Testers | Nicholas St. Louis, Thomas Zajic, Thomas Mayer, Christian Bazant, Dragica Kahlina, Monika Sange |
Video Post Production | Georg Heinz, Bernhard List |
Script | Julian Sotirov |
Directed by | Georg Heinz, Bernhard List |
Manual | Sandra Moesslberger |
Dialogues | Karam Nada |
Translation | Conspiracy Entertainment Europe GmbH, David Haardt, Monika Sange |
PR Manager | Martin Filipp |
Voice Recording | Conspiracy Entertainment Europe GmbH |
Voice Editors | Nils Bote, Marc Braun |
English Voices | Marc Rossman, Tom Zahner, Ellen Wagner |
German Voices | Rolf Berg, Peter Harting, Kordula Leisse |
JoWooD |
Production | Fritz Neuhofer |
Graphic Design | Sabine Schmid, Hannes Mitter |
Testing (JoWood Ebensee) | Norbert Landertshamer, Jürgen Maier, Reinhard Gollowitsch, Michael Kairat |
Marketing & PR (Austria) | Georg T. Klotzberg |
Marketing & PR (Germany) | Esther Manga |
Testing | Jörg Berger, Markus Brucher, Martin Bucher, Benedikt Ebli, Katharina Grassegger, Georg Grieshofer, Petra Grossegger, Oliver Helmhart, Barbara Hochwimmer, Andreas Kainer, Christian Kargl, Stefan Klaschka, Alexander Kumer, Rudolf Kussberger, Hedwig Matl, Mario Moser, Harald Ploder, Mihai Popescu, Stephan Radosevic, Eveline Rinesch, Walter Schmiedhofer, Gerald Schurl, Matthias Thurner, Dagmar Tiefenbacher, Harald Fritz, Rene Kreuzbichler, Christian Pohlhammer, Roland Gaal, Peter Schicker, Anton Seicarescu, Sascha Griesser, Stefan Bernhart |
Special Thanks |
Special Thanks (Bernhard) | loveisagui, family, crashtestdummies: Thomas & Christoph, antonelectricboogies, stoffiuwhatamanb, Heinzi - Gerald and allwholoveme |
Special Thanks (Chris) | Sabine |
Special Thanks (David) | Gary A. English, Sonja Rupp, Jürgen Kritzinger |
Special Thanks (Erwin) | Göttchen fürs Essen, Peter für die große Hilfe beim Fehler einbauen, Dem Zum Goldenen Fisch für die Nummer 67 |
Special Thanks (George) | Eva und Schnuffl |
Special Thanks (Hannes) | Silivia - Daniel and my friends for their patience |
Special Thanks (Kaweh) | Barbara, Kamelia, Fettlpartie, Roman |
Special Thanks (Marin) | Michi Atzmüller |
Special Thanks (Martin) | Gott |
Special Thanks (Monika) | Hari Punz, neo: seinen Team, Lucas Schaller, Dem Herrn Graf |
Special Thanks (Nick) | Karin S. for trying to keep me sane |
Special Thanks (Peter) | The air for supplying me with oxygen, The water for taking away my thirst, The food industry for giving me something to eat, My girlfriend for giving me love |
Special Thanks (PeterP) | Krambabm-Ulli for being a Berliner |
Special Thanks (Sandra) | Franz |
Special Thanks (Thomas) | Dana, Linus Torvalds, id Software |
Special Thanks (Tobias) | Gitti Taylor, Frau Holle, Dörte Drösel |
Special Thanks (Ulrich) | Nani, Thomas, White Russian |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- SpellForce: The Breath of Winter, a group of 37 people
- Soccer Manager, a group of 37 people
- SpellForce: The Order of Dawn, a group of 36 people
- Gorky Zero: Beyond Honor, a group of 35 people
- S3: Silent Storm - Sentinels, a group of 34 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Georg T. Klotzberg on 103 other games
- Anton Seicarescu on 91 other games
- Rolf Berg on 86 other games
- Sabine Schmid on 86 other games
- Nils Bote on 59 other games
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Credits contributed by Rebound Boy, Jeanne, Sciere.