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Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim

Moby ID: 42940

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Windows credits (2009)

120 people (93 professional roles, 27 thanks) with 136 credits.

Ino-Co Game Development

Executive Alexey Kozyrev
Project Leader Alexey Kozyrev
Project Manager Max Bodrikov
Lead Game Designer Tatyana Savchenkova
Game Design Dmitry Gulin
Level Design Elena Kozyreva
Lead Writer Pavel Kondrashov
Writer Maria Sokolova
Translator Maria Sokolova
Head of Programming Department Sergey Semenov
Project Architect Sergey Semenov
Motion Capture Mocap.ru Studio
Lead Programmers Alexander Ivolgin, Alexey Bersenev
Programmers Alexander Yasko, Anton Shelestov, Eugeny Kaptsov, Ivan Cheremisov, Michael Pizik, Stanislav Klinov, Svyatoslav Deineko, Yuri Ivanov
Head of Graphics Department Alexey Shumeikin
Lead Animator Alexey Shumeikin
Graphics Department Manager Marina Gulina
Lead Artist Alexander Novik
Lead Concept Artist Sergey Kondratovich
Artists Anna Gorelova, Dariya Bagrova, Inga Paukshtite, Maria Ivolgina, Alibek Korlakaev, Angelina Fursova
3D-Artist Alexander Ptashnikov, Anton Trofimov, Ruslan Kokarev, Sergey Soloviev, Angelina Fursova
Animators Alexander Ptashnikov, Anton Trofimov, Ruslan Kokarev, Sergey Soloviev
Visual Effects Artists Aleksey Yastrebov, Andrey Shershnev
Environment Artist Andrew Piskunov
QA Lead Evgeniy Sokolov
UI- & Usability Technician Evgeniy Sokolov
UI Designer Kyr Dunenkov
Tester Eugeny Borisov
Implementation Technician Eugeny Borisov
Sound Designer Roman Kaverga
PR Manager Alexey Artemenko
Composer Andreas Waldetoft
Vocals (Soprano) Natalie Hernborg
Motion Capture Actors Tatyana Mashyanova, Ana Borminskaya, Vladislav Migalev, Alexander Stepchenko, Timur Artykov
Special Thanks Cyberlore Studios for their cooperation and assistance, Alexander Yazinin (Katauri Interactive), Sergei Kozyakov (Katauri Interactive), Vladislav Docenko (Best Way Studios), Constantine Aftaev, Alexey Skvorcyov, Anastasia Kornilova, Dmitriy Len, Our Parents, wifes, husbands and children for their patience
Sound Studio Muza Games
Actors Sergey Chikhachev, Vladislav Kopp, Sergey Nekrasov, Elena Ivasishina, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Olga Zvereva, Konstantin Karasik

1C Company

Marketing Anatoliy Subbotin, Alexey Pastushenko, Svetlana Tarasova, Viktor Zuev, Roman Lupashevsky
Producer Maxim Voznyuk
Technology-Co-Producer Dmitry Dolgov
PR Anatoliy Subbotin
Special Thanks Nikolay Baryshnikov
Advertising Mikhail Ryapolov, Stanislav Lushnikov, Maria Khodan, Alexander Mayorov
QA Lead Alexander Shishov
Testers Sergey Kiyatkin, Alexander Lobanov, Nikolay Nikolaev, Vasiliy Panarin

Paradox Interactive

Executive Fredrik Wester
Executive Producer Tom Söderlund
PR Director Susana Meza Graham
Marketing Director Susana Meza Graham
PR Boel Bermann
Marketing Boel Bermann
Product Manager Jeanette Bauer
EVP Sales Reena M. Miranda
EVP Marketing Reena M. Miranda
Sales Support Karen Veerasami
Finance Executive Lena Eriksson
Finance & Accounting Annlouise Larsson
Technical QA Ulf Hedblom
Production Consultant Johan Andersson
Design Ideas Christopher King, Fredrik Wester, Theodore Bergquist
Package Design Christian Sabe
Logo Martin Bergström
Cover Design Piotr Wysocki
Editors Bryant Johnson, Ryan Newman (Digital Wordsmithing)
Dialogs SomaTone Interactive Audio
Localization S&H Entertainment Localization
Marketing Materials Mick Pollacci
Thanks to All our worldwide partners
Special Thanks to our loyal partners SouthPeak [USA], Koch Media [Germany], Snowball [Russia], Ascaron [Great Britain], Cyberfront [Japan], New Era Interactive Media Co. Ltd. [Southeast Asia], Friendware [Spain], CD Projekt [Poland], Porto Editora [Portugal], Cenega [Poland], Hell-Tech [Greece], Planı [Finland]
Very Special Thanks All members of the forums, operation-partners and supporters without whom our success wouldn't be possible
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Olga Puzikova, Sicarius.