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WCR: World Championship Rugby

Moby ID: 42896

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PlayStation 2 screenshots

The game displays a 'Loading' screen for several seconds which is followed by a screen giving the player the choice between 50Hz and 60Hz, then come the company logos followed by this
The main menu<br>It's not obvious until we start playing but there's no tutorial in this game, the gamer learns by playing, and losing, friendly matches
The game's controls cannot be customised<br>This screen is accessed via the Options tab on the main menu
The team editor allows the names of the players but nothing else<br>This screen is accessed via the Options tab on the main menu
The Challenge tab on the main menu gives the player access to three game modes, Classic Matches, Beat All-Stars and Survival<br>There are nine Classic matches some of which are locked
These are the competitions the player can take part in
Setting up a Friendly match.<br>The player has limited customisation options for the environment
Setting up a friendly match<br> These are the default teams (for the UK version at least) but they can be changed
Setting up a friendly match<br>Having selected the teams the player's pictures are displayed. There are no names, no option to change the line-up or to select team tactics
There's the usual fly-by of the stadium followed by a short animation of the players taking the field and lining up on the pitch
The game begins.<br>England have the ball but There's no indication which player has possession
The game's graphics are generally blurry.<br>There is no option to change the camera angle
A ruck is forming and the player can add or remove players from it
England have scored and now lead Australia.
There's a short scene like this when a try is scored. The graphics here are better than anywhere else in the game
Australia to kick off.<br>There are two options here, manual or automatic<br>The player radar in the top left indicates an almighty huddle over on the left just out of shot.
It's a throw in and there are three possible catcjer's that can be selected<br>Once again the player radar does not seem to reflect what's happening on the pitch
It's a scrum and the player has some control over how it's managed, but not a lot
England score another try against the mighty Australians<br>After a try there's an action replay but only from one angle
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