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It's match point and your advantage. You drive a rocket serve to the far corner and rush the net. Your opponent makes a great hit with a lob to the baseline. You scramble back and get off a cross-court passing shot for the point and match. This game has all the strokes of the pros--forehand, backhand, smash or lob.

GAME PLAY: You gauge the speed of your serve with your timing on the controls, then try to cover the court as the volley begins. Position on the court and timing on your stroke make all the difference. Keep an eye on your opponent and pick your best shot. Lob over the man at the net with your B button shot, then rush the net yourself and get ready for your overhead smash! Your computer opponent has five skill levels to choose from, and you can play it alone or with a friend as a doubles partner.


The Official Nintendo Player's Guide (1987)


It's match point and your advantage. You drive a rocket serve to the far corner and rush the net. Your opponent makes a great return lob to the baseline. You scramble back and get off a cross-court passing shot for the point and match. See if you have what it takes to be the ultimate pro!

(Picture captions) * Perfect a high-speed serve to ace your opponent! * Backhand a cross-court shot to win the set. * It takes the best of the best to become the champion.


Back of Package - e-Reader (US)

Start slidin', then get swingin'!

Some of the world's greatest classic video games are making a triumphant return! Now, with e-Reader technology, the code for an entire game can be stored on a stack of just five cards! Just slide the e-Reader cards through an e-Reader attached to a Game Boy Advance and you're ready to play.

Hit the court in style with Tennis-e. One player can compete against challenging computer opponents in grueling match play. If you think you're ready for the pros, start slidin' and get swingin'!

The Tennis-e card pack comes with five cards. Scan all five cards into your e-Reader accessory for Game Boy Advance, and you're ready to play!


www.nintendo.com - Game Boy Advance

Serve your way to the championship in this classic court game.

Extra Game Features: * Originally released in October 1985 * Download this Virtual Console title for only 500 Wii Points * Use the Classic Controller, Wii Remote or GCN Controller to play this game

Slam a serve, fire a blazing backhand, and smash a forehand volley on your way to winning the victory cup! You can choose between three levels of difficulty—Beginner, Intermediate and Champion—so if you want to become a true champ, be ready to show off your most brilliant lobs and most powerful smashes! Play a singles match or grab a partner for doubles and choose an opponent from among five different skill levels. You control the moves in tennis action so intense, you'll almost believe you're at center court!


www.nintendo.com – Wii Virtual Console

Serve, point, match in this classic game of Tennis!

Players can choose between five different levels of difficulty, ranging from Beginner all the way up to Advanced. If players want to become true champs, they should be ready to show off their most brilliant lobs and most powerful smashes. Play a singles match or grab a partner for doubles, and go head to head with your opponent. Whatever you do, don't lose your nerve at the sight of a full crowd, or when Mario sits in as referee for all of your games


www.nintendo.com - Wii U

Tennis, anyone? The ball is in your court.

For fans of classic video games and of the sport itself, this is one to add to your collection. As seen in the 1989 Game Boy™ release, this game delivers realistic match-play action.

Choose your opponent's skill level and practice your power serves, skillfully placed shots, lofty lobs and killer cross-courts. You may even recognize a friendly face on the court: Mario™. He will serve as umpire and call the close ones.

Get ready to game, set and match in Tennis.

This game is only playable in 2D.


www.nintendo.com - Nintendo 3DS (US)


Ob Einzel oder Doppel, jeder ist von diesem erstaunlich wirklichkeitsnahen Tennisspiel fasziniert!

Kraftvoller Aufschlag, schmetternde Rückhand, samtweicher Flugball — das ist NINTENDO Tennis! Bei NINTENDO können Sie Ihre Gegner nach fünf Schwierigkeitsstufen auswählen. Und mit zunehmend besserem Spiel werden auch die Gegner immer stärker! Ja selbst die Schnelligkeit der Aufschläge läßt sich steuern! Je besser das Timing, desto schneller saust der Ball über das Netz. NINTENDO Tennis ist stundenlanger Spaß beim Spiel direkt am Netz, an der Grundlinie oder sonstwo auf dem Platz. Dank neuester Technik und perfekter Grafik wird NINTENDO Tennis zum echten Erlebnis auf dem Centre Court!

Für einen oder zwei Spieler


Back of Box - NES (DE)


Whether it's singles or doubles you'll love the non-stop action of this amazingly real tennis game!

Slam a serve, fire a blazing backhand, smash a forehand volley you call the shots in Nintendo TENNIS! Nintendo lets you choose an opponent from five different skill levels. So as your game improves, so does your playing partner! Plus, you can actually gauge the speed of your serve! The better your timing, the faster it moves across the net. You'll have hours of fun rushing the net, playing the baseline or roaming the court. With Nintendo's state-of-the-art graphics and realistic game play, you'll really believe you're at center court!

Players: 1 or 2


Back of Box - NES (CA-US)


Tennis anyone?

Game Boy Tennis for realistic match play action.

You can try power serves, skillfully placed shots, lofty lobs, and killer cross courts. Umpire Mario will call the close ones!

So, get ready to serve, and match the baseline - it's Tennis, for everyone!

Challenge the Game Boy or use your Game Link cable to take on a friend in head-to-head competition.


Back of Box - Game Boy (UK)


「VS. テニス」は1984年に任天堂から発売されたスポーツゲームです。 本作は最大4人でプレイできます。 シングルスで腕を競い合ったり、ダブルスでは協力してプレイを楽しむことができます。 ショットとロブ、2種類の打球を使い分けることが勝利への鍵となります。

「アーケードアーカイブス」シリーズは、アーケードゲームの名作を忠実に再現することをコンセプトに開発をしています。 ゲームの難易度などの様々なゲーム設定を変更したり、当時のブラウン管テレビの雰囲気を再現することもできます。またオンラインランキングで世界中のプレイヤーとスコアを競ったりすることもできます。 一時代を築いた名作をぜひお楽しみください。


Nintendo.co.jp Description

"VS. Tennis" is a sports game released by Nintendo in 1984. This work can be played this game with up to 4 players. You can compete with each other in singles play or play together in doubles play. The key to victory is to use two different types of hitting balls: shots and lobs.

The "Arcade Archives" series has faithfully reproduced many classic Arcade masterpieces. Players can change various game settings such as game difficulty, and also reproduce the atmosphere of arcade display settings at that time. Players can also compete against each other from all over the world with their high scores. Please enjoy the masterpiece that built a generation for video games.

*This game uses the Japanese ROM for the main part of the game. The options menu and manual are available in Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.


Nintendo.co.nz Description

Contributed by Xoleras, gamewarrior, Harmony♡, Joshua J. Slone, Rik Hideto, jean-louis, Victor Vance.

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