Title screen
Intro. Looks like <moby game="cosmic fantasy"> Cosmic Fantasy</moby>, doesn't it?
Harry's space ship
The hero, Harry...
...and the heroine, Aria
Nice cut scene :) The game is generally quite charming
Harry in the castle
Cool fountain square
Character information
Overlooking the space ship
Inside the space ship
Romantic meeting? Not yet, not yet :)
Party menu
Capital city
Buying stuff
Visiting people's house. They don't seem to mind
You know what description is coming, right?.. Yep, it's "Gimme a mug o' beer!" :)
Dance for me, baby!
Battle options
On the world map
Harry, why do you shoot the... ehh... lovely ladies?..
Mountain path
Lots of robotic enemies
Aria is casting a spell on herself
Small village
The entrance is mysteriously sealed
Typical dungeon: ladders, treasure chests...
Is this a rocket launcher you're holding or are you just happy to see me?..
A sci-fi-themed dungeon
Boss battle. Aria is casting a healing spell
Even space bars have bunny girls...
Space ship statistics
A more modern-looking city
Mines dungeon
That's just... a lot of bull
This "cutscene" lasts about a second... hope you've got a good glimpse
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