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Cube 2: Sauerbraten

Moby ID: 42704

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Windows credits (2004)

93 people with 104 credits.


A lot of the general code Wouter van Oortmerssen ('Aardappel'), Lee Salzman
Original Concept and Design Wouter van Oortmerssen ('Aardappel')
ENet Networking Library Lee Salzman ('eihrul')
General Programming Mike Dysart ('Gilt')
GUI Robert Pointon ('baby-rabbit')
Particle Rendering Robert Pointon ('baby-rabbit')
Movie Recording Code Robert Pointon ('baby-rabbit')
Bots/AI Code Quinton Reeves ('quin')
Asissts with Community Management Quinton Reeves ('quin')
Documentation / Wiki Quinton Reeves ('quin')

Additional Code

MacOSX Ports Julian Mayer
MD3 Code Adrian Henke ('driAn')
Geometry Rendering Optimisations Jerry Siebe

Level Design

Level Design Kurt Kessler ('kdoom'; a bunch of DM/capture maps), Shane Nieb (academy; authentic; autumn; bt_falls; c_valley; complex; curvy_castle; flagstone; garden; hallo; hashi; headroom; island; justice; nevil_c; nmp4; nmp8; nmp9), John Fitzgibbons ('metlslime'; metl* maps), Mike Poeschl (MitaMan; singleplayer episodes)
With Additional Maps by Aardappel, driAn, Gilt, voot, Bryan Shalke ('KillHour'), staffy, sparr, JCDPC, ZappaZ, Joshua M. King, Fanatic, rocknrol, KaiserTodretter, BlikjeBier, wurfel, aftasardem, Lazy [HUN], Gregor Koch, Junebug, Gabriele Magurno ('Blindabuser'), PainKillAH, MeatROme, Tux, Mayhem, mIscreant, schmutzwurst, Kal, DairyKing, Hero, WahnFred, jonlimle, t-chen, viruz, Snowy, 4t3one, Rainer Sinsch, Meister, Fatum, RaZgRiZ, SirAlex, Chris_0076, HeWho, Majikal, Suicizer, Ardelico, Cooper, Zeronic, Skur, flubz0r, SomeDude, Redon, MisanthropiX, Doko, Destroyer, TomekGNO, Kretren, Drakker, KI113R, rabe, SuperMan, Crap_I'm_Dead, b4lkLu, Windecker, Justin, and others

Art / Content

Mr Fixit / Ironsnout / RPG Characters John Siar ('Geartrooper')
Logos, Loading Screen Gabriele Magurno ('Blindabuser')
Announcer Voices Gabriele Magurno ('Blindabuser')
Old Hudguns MakkE, DarthVim
Textures, Mapmodels, Skyboxes Shane Nieb
Egyptian & Tech Texture Sets Sock
Ikbase ik2k Texture Sets Iikka Keränen ('Fingers')
Normalmapped Texture Sets Lunaran, Gibbie, Gregor Koch, Jésus Maia ('aftasardem'), Mike Poeschl, philipk
Skyboxes SkiingPenguins
Additional Art by metlslime [textures], Than [textures]

Sound / Music

Soundtrack Marc A. Pullen ('Fanatic')


Website / messageboard, Hosting, Master Server Kristian Duske ('sleepwalkr')
Documentation Help Pushplay
SDL Libraries The SDL Team
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

People credited on this game were also credited on:

Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by BdR.