Deathmatch Maker 2

Moby ID: 42424

Windows credits (1998)

22 people with 32 credits.

Developers Bob Griswold, Tom Tolman, Beth Graff, Alan Shaw, Eric Sage, Peter Scott, Gavin Goodbread, Scott Haynes
Product management John Cooper
Product marketing John Cooper
Quality assurance Ann Grundstrom, Ismini Boinodiris Roby, Steve Barber, Veda Williams
Artwork Bert McLendon, John Michel, Scott Sprange, Geoff Yarbrough, Bryan Baldwin
Documentation SofTech Communications
Documentation written & compiled Tanya Emerson, Crystal Ward
Portions contributed Veda Williams, Beth Graff, Ismini Boinodiris Roby, John Cooper
Reviewed & Edited Bob Griswold, John Cooper, Beth Graff, Veda Williams, Tom Tolman
Texture Graphics and Artwork Id Software, Inc.
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by me3D31337.