Main Menu
Loading Screen
Completed the mission but missed 9 enemies - lucky guys!
BAM you're dead!
Death from Above!
No, the AI isn't that clever - why do you ask?
Choose your weapon-loadout and spawn point.
BOOM goes the helicopter.
No, noone shot at me. I shot the previous owner of this jeep.
The Killer-Trick - Coming Soon to a cinema near you
The sniper rifle - man's best friend in any Delta Force.
Mounted turrets - if you can't think of anything else.
One done - unlimited more to go.
The extraction is here.
Jumping out of an airplane into the fight.
Drivin' a tank.
Motorcycles are especially fun and useful to drive around the big maps.
It's quiet around here - too quiet.
The map of the mission area.
I see you!
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