Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
In the final chapter of the epic Bhaal saga, return to Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn and unravel the mysteries of a dangerous new dungeon - Watcher’s Keep. Continue with an exhilarating new adventure when you explore unseen lands, encounter fierce villains, and gain powerful high-level abilities as you achieve your ultimate destiny in Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal.
The Final Chapter
The prophecy of Alaundo is upon you!
War wreaks havoc among the Bhaal Spawn, and as a Child of Bhaal, you too become embroiled in the conflict. The mysteries concerning your dark heritage require final answers, and the secrets of your hidden powers are soon to be unleashed. Your journey down the Sword Coast has finally lead you just south of Amn, to the country of Tethyr. It is here, on this final battlefield, that the victors shall rise above the vanquished. You are the Bhaal Spawn, and your ultimate destiny will be yours for the taking!
In the expansion set to the award-winning Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn continue your quest and conclude the epic saga. Even if you have completed Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn, return and discover the mysteries of a dangerous new dungeon - Watcher’s Keep. In addition, an exhilarating adventure unfolds when you explore new lands, battle fierce monsters and villains, and gain high-level abilities that bestow awesome powers. Fulfill your ultimate destiny in… Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal.
All New Features:
Adventure deep into the lands of Tethyr and complete the compelling saga as you fulfill your destiny as a Child of Bhaal!
Uncover the mysteries of Watcher's Keep, a deadly new dungeon, where you will encounter an ancient evil of awesome power.
Cast powerful new spells like Wish and Bigby's Hand Spells as your character climbs as high as 40th level with an experience point cap of 8 million!
Gain amazing high-level abilities; new combat feats for fighters, deadly new traps for thieves, special quest spells for clerics and 9th level spells for mages.
Play a new character kit, the Wild Mage.
Fight and Summon awe-inspiring D&D creatures during your search for artifacts, relics and other legendary magic items!
Continue the epic saga to its ultimate conclusion.
A storm of chaos and destruction thunders across the Sword Coast. As towns are laid to waste and great cities burn, there are whispered rumors that the Children of Bhaal are responsible. Soon the whispered rumors become panicked cries - if the prophecies of the Wise Alaundo are to be believed, there is greater suffering ahead. And should Bhaal somehow rise again, the earth itself will weep blood.
Features: * Complete the compelling saga and fulfill your destiny as a Child of Bhaal. * Venture into a deadly new dungeon - Watcher's Keep and come face to face with Demogorgon, Prince of Demons. * Cast powerful new spells like Wish and the Bigby's Hand Spells as your character climbs as high as 40th level, with an experience point cap of 8 million! * Gain amazing high-level abilities; new combat feats for fighters, deadly new traps for thieves, special quest spells for clerics, and 9th level spells for mages. * Play a new character kit, the Wild Mage. * Fight and summon awe-inspiring AD&D creaturs during your search for artifacts, relics and other legendary magic items.
In the final chapter of the Bhaal saga, return to Baldur's Gate II: Shadow's Of Amn and unravel the mysreries of a dangerous new dungeon - Watcher's Keep. Continue with an exhilarating new adventure when you explore the unseen lands of Tethyr, encounter fierce villains, and gain powerful high-level abilities as you achieve your ultimate destiny in... Baldur's Gate II: Throne Of Bhaal.
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**Ein Sturm des Chaos und der Zerstörung tobt entlang der Schwertküste. Dörfer werden dem Erdboden gleichgemacht und Städte brennen.Gerüchte, dass die Kinder Bhaals verantwortlich sind, verbreiten sich wie ein Lauffeuer.
Bald werden aus den geflĂĽsterten GerĂĽchten panische Schreie. Wenn die Prophezeiungen des Weisen Alaundo korrekt sind, steht das Schlimmste noch bevor: Sollte Bhaal wiederauferstehen, wird die Erde Blut werden!
In diesem letzten Kapitel der Bhaal-Sage kehrt Ihr in die faszinierende Welt von Baldur's Gate II: Schatten von Amn zurück und entschlüsselt die Mysterien eines gefährlichen nuen Verlieses: Die Wachende Festung! Dann folgt ein aufregendes neues Abenteuer, in dem Ihr noch nie zuvor gesehene Länder erforscht, gegen unglaubliche Gegner antretet und auf Eurem Weg, Eure Bestimmung zu erfüllen, extrem mächtige Spezialfähigkeiten erlangt.
Thron des Bhaals bietet Euch folgende Neuerungen:** * Beendet die faszinierende Saga von Baldur's Gate und erfüllt Eure Bestimmung als Kind des Bhaal. * Erforscht die tödliche Wachende Festung und tretet einem uralten Bösen von schier überwältigender Macht entgegen. * Wirkt mächtige neue Zauber wie Wunsch und Bigbys Handzauber. Euer Charakter kann 8 Millionen Erfahrungspunkte erlangen und die 40. Stufe erreichen! * Erlangt erstaunliche Spezialfähigkeiten auf hohenn Stufen: Kämpfe erhalten unglaubliche Fähigkeiten im Kampf, Diebe können neue tödliche Fallen stellen, Kleriker Auftragszauber wirken und Magier die Macht des 10. Grades der Magie entfessseln. * Spielt den neuen Magiercharakter Hasardeur. * Beschwört und bekämpft atemberaubende D&D-Kreaturen auf Eurer Suche nach Artefakten, Relikten und legendären, magischen Gegenständen.
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Contributed by Gene Davison, Patrick Bregger, JPaterson.