Title screen after the introductory sequence
Main menu
Choose one of the four available nations.
The game offers an optional, short tutorial mission before starting a new campaign.
Campaigns are divided into chapters of 6 missions each, 5 of which have to be completed in order to progress to the next chapter.
The next mission to be tackled can be chosen from a scrollable map of the lands of Hesperia.
Each mission is motivated by an additional piece of back story.
Mission objectives
Starting out a new mission. Saxanna is one of the hero characters that must not die during a mission.
A battle in the swamplands near the Deborean forests.
Health or mana bars of player and enemy troops can be displayed above their heads.
A few enemies guarding a small fortress. The buildings are three-dimensional and cast shadows.
Debris flies through the air after one of the enemy buildings is destroyed.
Each successfully completed mission is summarized with a few key numbers.
Some buildings allow the recruitment, improvement, or re-equipment of units.
A battle in front of a larger fortification.
In-game options menu
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