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Tetris Forever
Tetris Forever


Moby ID: 42118

NES version

My favorite adaption of the falling blocks

The Good
The music is very nice to listen to and has a very nice quality for 8-bit standards. I always play with either Theme B or Theme A on and it really adds something to the game. I also liked how the music goes faster if you are about to lose, just to get you on your toes a little bit more.

It doesn't matter which version of Tetris you have, the game is always a lot of fun. You can play it for days and it will never bore you. This is mostly because of the simplicity, everybody can stack blocks, but the longer you play the harder it gets. A brilliant formula if I ever saw one.

Breaking your (or other people's) high-score is a lot of work, but also very exciting when you finally pull it off. I especially took great pleasure in beating the highscores the previous owner left on the cartridge. He was a good, but I am a little bit better.

The Bad
The game often refuses to save my new highscores which is a little annoying. Sometimes it saves them and sometimes it doesn't.

Theme C is not that amazing.

The Bottom Line
Tetris is just a really good game, one that has seen numerous adaptions and spin-offs. Making a Tetris game seems like a trick to me, it is guaranteed to be good. The NES may refuse to save your highscores every once in a while, but aside from that this is a pretty nice puzzle game to play. It never grows old.

by Asinine (956) on May 23, 2011

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