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Moby ID: 42079

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Windows credits (2009)

70 people with 77 credits.

Core Team

Direction Eddy Boxerman
Game Design Eddy Boxerman
Programming Eddy Boxerman, David Burke
Art Direction Kun Chang
Consulting Andy Nealen
Additional Programming Andy Nealen

Extended Team

Chief Aesthetic Officer Angela Schade
Admin Angela Schade
Super Tester Angela Schade
Osmos Logo Owen DeWitt
In-game Crosshair Owen DeWitt
Hemisphere Games Logo Bill Matthews
Achievement Icons Jeff Alward


Special edits of 'Discovery' and 'The Shape of Things to Come' Mat Jarvis (Gas/High Skies)
Sound Effects Mat Jarvis (Gas/High Skies)
Special edits of 'Sickbay', 'Rorschach' and 'Lucy Dub' Scott Morgan (Loscil)
'Farewell' (copyright Type Records) and 'From Cover to Cover' Julien Neto
'Antennaria' (copyright Touch Music) Geir Jenssen (Biosphere)
Musical compositions 'Osmos themes #1 and #2' Vincent Gagnon, Tristan Bernier
Musical composition of the 'multimote theme' DJ Paw
The track 'Tones' in the 'multimote theme' Sean Robbins (Silexz)

Sound Effects

Additional sound effects from Freesound [under the creative commons sampling plus 1.0 license], Elektrocell - MoteAbsorb[1-5].ogg [selected from files originally named 207[42-51]_Elektrocell_ab[1-10].wav], fran_ky - Start.ogg [originally named 21150_fran_ky_Harmony_Qbed_2.wav], Jovica - LifeormTerminated.ogg [originally named 4415_Jovica_convoluted_back_to_back_loop_60_bpm_3h.wav]

Playtesters, great and small

Playtesters, great and small All of the above plus: the Boxman family, Marc Alexa, Aaron Barsky, benihana, Kristian Bergmann, G. Brian (Sanguinax), Eric Brochu, Tyson Brochu, Tamy Boubek, Mark Dennis, Jacques Desanlis, Vivian Doan, Mathias Eitz, Fodderman, Clare Golding, James Golding, Uwe Hahne, Rupert Helbig, Romain Killian, Antony Hilliard, jayman512, Wyeth Johnson, Brandon Kupers, Hellspawncandy, Hendrik Kueck, Michel Lambert, Luke Leunes, Oyvind Lier, Kevin Lindley, Berkay Ozdenoglu, Amitt Mahajan, Dominic Ng, Amy Norris, Justus Pett, David Pritchard, Christoph Reinbothe, ryandaniels, Warren Schultz, spiralinfusion, Mark Straight, Martin Weber, D. Wolf (FluffyWolf2), Andrew Younker, Johannes Zimmermann

Additional materials

Fortune City true-type font, designed by Graham Meade
3rd Party Libraries OpenAL, Freetype, libnoise, libvorbis and libogg, Daniel Stenberg (libcurl)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sciere.