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Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare

aka: AITD:TNN, Alone in the Dark 4, Alone in the Dark: Koszmar Powraca
Moby ID: 4183

[ Dreamcast ] [ PlayStation ] [ PlayStation 2 ] [ PlayStation 3 add ] [ PSP add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2001)

210 people (186 professional roles, 24 thanks) with 250 credits.

An Infogrames Production presented by Bruno Bonnell
Thanks To Viviane Arthur, Géraldine Borde, Paul Fox, Sandrine Nguyen, Emmanuelle Périgault-Vigier, Morgan O'Rahilly, Denis Thoral, Robert Miles-Watson
"Alone In The Dark" (written and produced by) Stewart Copeland
"Alone In The Dark" (Music produced and composed by) Stewart Copeland
"Alone In The Dark" (Drums, bass and keyboards performed by) Stewart Copeland
"Alone In The Dark" (Recorded and Mixed by) Jeff Seitz
"Alone In The Dark" (Guitars performed by) Michael Thompson
"Alone In The Dark" (Vocal performed by) Jimmie Wood
"Alone In The Dark" (Assistant to Mr. Copeland) Sara Kapuchinski
Special Thanks Lucie Angelier, Juliette Angelier, Pamela Boutin, Philippe Goulet, Magali Gouraud, Isabelle Lamouche, Séverine Lebigot, Brigitte Lecourt, Guillaume Roberto, Jeanne Rochedieu, Pauline Rochedieu, Sandrine Rossignol, Claire Terrenoire, Shao Mei Villette, Audrey Watterlot
In memory of Marcelle Demaret
Translators Tomas Mayer (Czech), Attila Temesi (Hungarian), Anamarija Blagdan (Croatian), Iztok Švagelj (Slovenian)

Polish Language Version (Polska wersja językowa CD Projekt)

Initiation Principal (Pryncypał wdrożeniowy) Paweł Składanowski
Working Director (Naczelnik roboczy) Paweł Ziajka
Language Converters (Konwerterzy językowi) Marcin Bartkiewicz, Jakub Żywko
Implementator Rafał Wojdyła
Sounds (Odgłosy) T-rex
Voice Direction (Reżyseria) Agnieszka Zwolińska
Voiced by (Mowy użyczyli) Anna Apostolakis-Gluzińska, Anna Gajewska, Przemysław Kaczyński, Jacek Kopczyński, Jan Kozaczuk, Kamil Maćkowiak, Piotr Warszawski, Janusz Wituch, Krzysztof Zakrzewski
Plenipotentiary for Betatesting Affairs (Plenipotent do spraw betatestów) Michał Cegiełka
Raiders of the Lost Bugs (Poszukiwacze zaginionych bugów) Paweł Czoppa, Aleksandra Cwalina
DTP Scribes (Skrybowie DTP) Robert Dąbrowski, Jarosław Wasilewski
Production Overlord (Nadszyszkownik produkcji) Michał Bakuliński
Production Lord (Szyszkownik produkcji) Magdalena Drążek
Marketing Marcin Marzęcki, Michał Gembicki, Mariusz Duda, Krzysztof Szulc, Farida Saffarini, Paweł Kozierkiewicz


Lead Programmer Erwan Le Goffic
Dreamcast Programmer Olivier Martin
Trainees Alexis Arragon, Christophe Bidal
Game Conception Guillaume Gouraud, David Rochedieu, Antoine Villette
Scenario Antoine Villette
Art Director Guillaume Gouraud
Technical Manager David Rochedieu
Development Manager Emmanuel Boutin
Project Manager Laurent Franchet
Production Assistant Christine Ostrowski
Scenario Adaptation Pascal Luban
Pre-production Game Design Pascal Luban
Adventure Game Designers Laurent Franchet, Guillaume Gouraud, Sébastien Lambottin
Game Design Laurent Franchet, Guillaume Gouraud, Sébastien Lambottin, David Rochedieu, Antoine Villette
Music & Sound Thierry Desseaux, Jean-Sébastien Rossbach
CGI Movies Directed by Guillaume Moreels
Story-Boarders Patrick Pion, Nicolas Bouvier, Denis Bajram
CGI Characters Artists Guillaume Moreels, Marc Leprêtre
Lead Designer Nicolas Bouvier
Backgrounds Designers Benjamin Carré, Benoit de Ravel, Cyril Perrin, Patrick Pion
Characters Designed by Matthieu Lauffray
Characters Sculpted by Matthieu Lauffray, Jean-Claude Gouraud, Guillaume Moreels
Creatures Designed by Claire Wendeling
Creatures Sculpted by André Jaume
Paintings by Mark Botta
Programmers Emmanuel Boutin, Christophe Chaillon, Benoît Chaperot, Stéphane Denis, Karine Lefrancois, David Rochedieu
Additional Programmer Samuel S. Nova
Lead Script Coder Fabrice Rappe
Script Coders Hakim Abbas, Mathias Deshayes, Pierre Gironde, Daniel Gloanec, Cendrine Laguerre, Sébastien Lambottin, Ivano Pirona
Lead Background Artists Bertrand Carduner, Benoît Martinez
Backgrounds Artists François Baranger, Arnaud Barros, David Bouaziz, Ulrich Brunin, Roland Caron, Maxime Desmettre, Bruno Gentile, Florent Goy, Hae Jun Jhee, Marc Leprêtre, Laurent Makowski, Manuel Pires, Salomé Strappazzon, Laurent Vicherd
Lead Real-Time Backgrounds Modeler Florent Goy
Real-Time Backgrounds Modelers Roger Bellon-Gronnier, Sylvain Frattini, Daniel Gloanec, Xavier Rang, Salomé Strappazzon, Sébastien Verite, Laurent Vicherd
Lead Animator Xavier Lamouche
Gameplay Animators Sébastien Bertin, John Bigorgne, Marie Deschamps, Bruno Millas, Stéphane Wiederkehr-Asuwant
Lead Animator for CGI Sequences Bruno Millas
CGI Sequences Animators John Bigorgne, Eric Breistroffer, Xavier Lamouche, Yan Le Gall, Stéphane Wiederkehr-Asuwant
Lead Real-Time Models Artist Eric Breistroffer
Real-Time Models Artists David Demaret, Maxime Desmettre, Sylvain Frattini, Bruno Gentile, Yan Le Gall, Florence Moreels
Vidual Special Effects Artists David Demaret, Maxime Desmettre, Roland Caron
Additional 2D Graphics Cendrine Laguerre
Legal and Financial Manager Antoine Cheron
Network Administrator Olivier Lebigot
Secretary Nathalie Erard

Spiral House LTD

Lead Programmer Mike Ferenduros
Programmer Marc Littlemore
Technical Coordinator Bobby Earl
Artists Dylan Bourne
Coordinator Kevin Oxland


Presented by Bruno Bonnell
Infogrames Motion VP Olivier Goulay
Production Director Eric Labelle
Production Manager Continental Europe Stéphane Bonazza
Associate Producer Sébastien Brison
Pre-Production Pierre Carde
European Marketing VP Larry Sparks
Marketing Director Monique Crusot
Senior Product Manager Guillaume Rosier
Product Manager Mathieu Brossette
Creative Managers Franck Drevon, Pat Phelan
Business Affairs Laurence Dufour, Tony Duret
Legal Nelly Jacquin, Caroline Brunel
Design Studio Emmanuelle Tahmazian, Patrick Chouzenoux, Michel Mégoz, Rose-May Mathon, Sylvie Combet, Olivier Lachard, Jérome Gouvenot
Localisation Sylviane Pivot-Chossat, Maud Favier, Fabien Roset, Beatrice Egea Rodriguez, Beate Vigliano-Reiter, Weronika Larsson
Public Relations Matthew Broughton, Lynn Daniel
QA Manager Olivier Robin
Qualitative Supervisor Dominique Morel
Qualitative Co-ordination Emmanuel Desmaris, Jocelyn Cioffi
Debugging Supervisors Vincent Laloy, Philippe Louvet
Debugging Co-ordination Stéphane Brion, Emeric Polin, Guillaume Lestrat, Merche Sanchez Garcia
Pre-Mastering Stéphane Entéric
Testers Olivier Genoux, Florian Viale, David Erchoff-Costet, Hakim Maslouhi, David Leneveu, Christophe Lamour, Nicolas Danière, Eric Meinier, Christophe Chabal, Gregory Eche, Stéphan Carmignani, Aurélie Crawford, Alexis Recoupé, Arnaud Molin, Christopher Evans, Marie-Eve Burdin, Agnès Burdin, Bruno Chabanel, Elvis Alvarez, Cécilia Jard, Eugenia Veronese, Carmen Maria Sanchez Zurita, Corine Berntrop, Stéphane Bergamaschi, William Dowe, Lionel Maseguer, Rodric Rambosson, Erwan Bouvet, Stéphane Randanne, Guillaume Curt
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by formercontrib, MAT, Mtik333.