John Deere: Harvest in the Heartland

aka: Farm Life, Farm Life: Manage Your Own Farm
Moby ID: 40450

Nintendo DS credits (2007)

54 people (48 professional roles, 6 thanks) with 59 credits.

Black Lantern Studios, Inc.

CEO Richard Woods
VP of Business Development Derek McDaniel
Finance Director Teresa Gloe
Director of Art and Design Matt Raithel
Director of Programming David Wilcox
Producer Derek McDaniel
Lead Designer Matt Raithel
Lead Programmer Tim Stephens
Lead Artist Chris Moore
Animator Ryan C. Baker
Graphic Artists Ryan C. Baker
Game Design Douglas A. Hill
Additional Programming Nick Jaross, Coby Utter, Aaron Eady, Michael Graves, Ryan Listerman
Additional Art Gary Bedell, Darrell Claunch, Jarrett Dawson
Lead Sound Engineer Devin Clasby
Additional Sound Engineering Ben Utne
Composer Randall Ryan (Hampsterball Studios)
Quality Assurance Manager Wesley Bowen
Quality Assurance Jeremy Day, Joshua Goeke
Licensed by John Deere
Brand Licensing Michael H. Porter


Director of Product Development and Producer Peter Anthony Chiodo
Test Lead Matthew Haglund
Testers Joshua G. Knoblauch, Michael Shoonmaker, Jamie Cooper, Andrew Conroy, Luke Matthiesen, Andrew Leaf, Will Weil
Beta Testers Jamie Cooper, Paul Murphy, Jeremy Bryant, Dave Krocak, Nicholas Georgopoulos, Michael Shoonmaker, Bob Strenger
General Manager Al Schilling
QA Manager John Brooks
Marketing Manager Cindy Swanson
Communication Manager Jeremy Zoss
Public Relations (HighWater Group) Alex Brewer, Dan Harnett
Packaging David Stengel
Destineer Production Babies Ava Emerald, Chiodo
Special Thanks Paul Rinde, Peter Tamte, Scott Addyman, John Stone, Dave Krocak, Jeff Harward
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by formercontrib, aaron eady.