🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Know How: Think and play outside the box!

aka: Know How: Spielend um die Ecke denken
Moby ID: 40054

[ iPhone add ] [ Nintendo DS ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2008)

18 people with 24 credits.

Bitfield Team

Game Concept, Story Christian Wild
Graphics Design Ingolf Hetscher
Gameplay Programming David Salz
Graphics Programming Daniel Matzke
2D/3D Graphics Christian Wild
Sound and Music Sylvius Lack
Audio Programming David Salz
Level Design Daniel Matzke
Sales Kay Lembke
Testing Katharina Sebald, Arne Wörheide, Konstantin Salz
"Valerie" Mildred Pätzmann
"John" Kari Nordmann


English Nicole Stecker
French Nicole Stecker, Virginie Pislot
Spanish Keyfactor, Meaning Makers
Italian Keyfactor, Meaning Makers

SevenOne Intermedia GmbH

Head of Games Marc Wardenga
Product Management David Mohr
Marketing Management Gunther Schiblhut
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by lostsoul78.