X-Blades HD
Moby ID: 39256
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Windows credits (2009)
90 people (81 professional roles, 9 thanks) with 102 credits.
Gaijin Entertainment |
Producers | Anton Yudintsev, Kirill Yudintsev |
Project Leader | Alexander Kulagin |
Artists | Alexander Kulagin, Dmitry Lazarev, Elena Ermakova, Vladlen Rosinets |
Designers | Alexander Kulagin, Alexey Volynskov, Denis Mamontov |
Lead Programmer | Alexey Volynskov |
Programmers | Andrey Reznik, Alexey Volynskov |
Video & Animation | Marina Tolstykova, Anton Novichkov, Alexander Koval |
Sound Design | Pavel Stebakov |
QA Lead | Sergei Assorov |
Localization | Andrey Reznik |
Testers | Pavel Kovalev, Sergei Assorov, Dmitry Medvedev, Sergei Kolganov, Anton Mandrik, Albert Gabdulin |
DagorEngine | Nikolay Savichev, Vasiliy Ryabtsev, Alexey Volynskov, Andrey Mironenko |
Additional ingame soundtrack & music for cut scenes | Michael Dees |
Zuxxez Entertainment |
Executive Producer | Alexandra Constandache |
Project Management | Dirk P. Hassinger |
Director Localization | Patricia Bellantuono |
PR | Jörg Schindler |
Manual | Patricia Bellantuono |
Manual & Artbook Layouts | AC Enterprises |
Technical Director | Roman Eich |
Topware Interactive |
Marketing | AC Enterprises Karlsruhe |
PR | Bert Jennings, James Seaman (God of Thunder and Rock N Roll) |
Strategy Guide (German) | Martin Franger |
Additional Art | Thomas Pape, Alexandre Julin |
Special Thanks | Carmen Constandache, Ion Constandache, Alexandre Julin, Holger Leopold, Michael Rhein, Thomas Pape, Janusz C. Riese, Peter Schmitt, Uwe Stoesser |
English Version |
Localization | Ronnie Shankland |
Additional Localization | Bert Jennings |
Actors | Morla Gorrondona (Ayumi), Doug Boyd (Jay), J. S. Gilbert (The Dark/Light) |
Studio | DSonic, Simon Amarasingham, Kemal Amarasingham |
German Version |
Localization | Patricia Bellantuono |
Actors | Norman Matt (Jay), Shandra Schadt (Ayumi), Tilo Schmitz (Der Erleuchtete/Der Finstere) |
Studio | Sprecherdatei livelive Berlin |
Studio Sound Technician | Thomas Kowalski |
Czech Version |
Localization | Martin Kovář |
Hungarian Version |
Localization | Gergely János Nagy |
French Version |
Localization | Jacques Kerdraon |
Voice Direction | Jacques Kerdraon |
Studio | Burning Factory |
Studio Sound Technician | C. David |
Actors | Gaëlle Dannet (Ayumi), Bertrand Diet (Jay), Jonathan Heckel (Eclairé & Obscur) |
Italian Version |
Localization | Francesca Pezzoli |
Studio | Binari Sonori, Laura Cattaneo, Alice Bongiorni, Francesco Zambon |
Actors | Loretta Di Pisa (Ayumi), Paolo De Santis (Jay), Tony Fuochi (Dark/Light) |
Romanian Version |
Localization | Ion Constandache |
Spanish Version |
Localization | Maria Rossich |
Title Song "Golden Despite" |
Producer | Franz Plasa, Martin Kilger |
Vocals | Nissim |
Raps | Metaphysics |
Guitar | Marc Awenou |
Bass | Alex Grube |
Drums | Rainer Kallas |
Keys | Martin Kilger |
Programmings | Philip Schwär |
Engineer | Hendrik Ostrau |
Mix Assistant | V. Quiering |
iBeta |
Quality Assurance | Jamie Williams, Ian Siparsky, Ian Thorne, M. Romero, Angel Trudeau, Jeromey Patterson |
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MobyPro Early Access
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Two Worlds II, a group of 20 people
- Check vs. Mate, a group of 18 people
- Blades of Time, a group of 16 people
- Two Worlds II: Castle Defense, a group of 15 people
- Blades of Time: Dismal Swamp, a group of 14 people
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Other Games
MobyPro Early Access
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Paolo De Santis on 100 other games
- J. S. Gilbert on 66 other games
- Doug Boyd on 66 other games
- Alice Bongiorni on 58 other games
- Tilo Schmitz on 54 other games
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Credits contributed by Sicarius.