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Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria

aka: Gilbert Goodmate und der Pilz von Phungoria, Gilbert Goodmate: Fangoryjskie Dziwy, Gilbert Goomate
Moby ID: 3912
Windows Specs
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Description official descriptions

The annual Mushroom Festival is considered the event of the year. People from all around attend to celebrate and remember the events of the past. Long ago, an evil wizard was defeated using only a mushroom. Ever since then, that very mushroom has held a place of honor in the center of the town of Phungoria, and a new person is appointed each year to watch over it. Suddenly one morning the mushroom is stolen, and Gilbert Goodmate's grandfather, this year's keeper of the mushroom, has been blamed. Somehow Gilbert must find the mushroom, the thief, and save his grandfather from the gallows!

Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria is a humorous, 3rd person point and click adventure game made in similar style to the Lucas Monkey Island series. Gilbert's quest will involve exploring in and outside of Phungoria, talking to a multitude of characters and solving inventory-based puzzles. The game features hand-drawn, cartoon style graphics, an original musical score, and a cast of voice actors and actresses.


  • Гилберт Гудмейт и священный гриб Фангории - Russian spelling

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Credits (Windows version)

83 People (77 developers, 6 thanks) · View all



Average score: 69% (based on 14 ratings)


Average score: 3.4 out of 5 (based on 26 ratings with 2 reviews)

A cheerful and funny adventure game!

The Good
Maybe I was in the mood for a bright and cheery adventure. After all, I had grown tired of dark and surrealistic games lately. Whatever it was, this game was just what the doctor ordered. The humor in Gilbert Goodmate is cute and refreshingly original (sometimes sarcastic).

The game ships on two CD-Roms and files are pulled from both during the installation, possibly as part of a copy-protection scheme. You can choose to install the minimum number of files, medium or a full install. I chose the Medium installation and never had problems with performance. (I did install both patches before playing, however.)

The interface is very user friendly, and some of it is a bit different than other games I've played. Left click on someone or some thing and a cute face pops up with options like Look, Talk or Use, depending upon the person or thing you are pointed at. A right click brings up the inventory screen where you can select an item to be used or combined with other objects. Pressing your F1 keyboard key accesses the Options screen where adjustments can be made to music and speech volume, subtitles on or off as well as game saving and loading.

Upon starting the game, the great original musical score greets you. The music creates the lighthearted atmosphere for the game and, although it can become a bit repetitive, it is pleasant to listen to throughout. The graphics are bright, cheery, and clean. Characters' faces change with expressions and the cartoon-style lip-sync is handled very well. There is no "pixel hunting" in this game and the cursor turns red when an object can be examined more closely for use or pick up. The object is also given a written description and Gilbert tells you more about it when you look at it in inventory.

For the most part, the puzzles are object and conversation based. "Find this object for this person in order to get another object" kind of thing. And they are layered very deeply within the game so your final objective will take awhile to get to. There is one 3x3 slider puzzle late in the game which is pretty easy to solve even if you aren't very good at that type of puzzle. So, in my estimation, I would consider the puzzles of medium difficulty.

The Bad
I have very little criticism for this game. The designers went a little overboard with the conversations, I thought. You are sometimes given a long list of topics to talk about with any given character. Since you don't know which one will trigger the proper response to get you farther, you must click on them all. You can ESCape out to make them go faster, but doing that might make you miss an important puzzle clue.

The Bottom Line
I thoroughly enjoyed Gilbert Goodmate and would recommend it to everyone, especially those of you who enjoyed the Monkey Island Series and/or the Sierra Space Quest series. I laughed out loud on numerous occasions while playing it and found it to be a welcome and refreshing change of pace.

Windows · by Jeanne (75818) · 2002

Gilbert Goodmate is a fun-guy (geddit?) and this is a fun game

The Good
Its hard not to like this game. Its very close in feel to Monkey Island, (particularly the third one), with the same kind of humour and characterisation. The story-line is pretty basic and unremarkable, though the characters you meet along the way keep things interesting (I liked the bearded viking woman) and the dialogue, though a bit wordy in places, is pretty witty.

The Bad
The dialogue is a bit 'wordy' (ie its got words, but there are too many of them). Having said that its easy enough to skip it if you want to.

The Bottom Line
Fun; nice; best mushroom-adventure you'll ever play.

Windows · by jossiejojo (37) · 2004


Cut content

  • The following characters were removed from the final game: Three tourists, the Mayor, the King, a postman and a woodcutter.
  • These animations were removed from the final game: Louise puking on blind Sam and his dog, Sergio the phone operator with a lizard tongue and a hand coming out from the pirate chef's mouth grabbing the pancakes.


  • Gilbert Goodmate was originally intended to be an Amiga title.
  • The animations for Gilbert's character have been completely redesigned six times - three times for the original Amiga version, and another three times since the project was moved to PC.
  • The Prelusion guys did some of the sounds - you can hear them mumbling at the "execution postponing" and the "boo sound" on the slavery market. Also, Patrick Broddesson did the voices for the sheep, the bird inside the genie bottle and the troll.

Mushroom festival

There actually are mushroom festivals in real life! One of them takes place on the same date as the first mushroom festival in the game -- Sept 17th (www.mushroomfest.com). September 17 is Daniel Nilsson's birthday - that's why he picked that date for the mushroom festival in the game.


A patch (4.46Mb) was released for the English version of Gilbert Goodmate called the "Crash at Elton's FIX". The text file included with the patch stated that the "Crash occurs due to a defect on Gilbert Goodmate, CD 1" and that "all current save games will still work after applying this fix".

Later, the final v1.03 patch (1.82Mb) was released and included the following fixes (per the update.txt file):

  • Corrects all problems related to tearing effects, screen flicker and other problems rendering graphics.

  • Corrects problem with game crashing on exit.

  • Corrects problem with game not starting on some systems resulting in an error message about active system debuggers.

  • Corrects the crank problem in the first puzzle.

  • Corrects potential system locks related to GeForce 2 gfx-cards.

  • Speeds up Gilbert's walk.

  • Speeds up the pace of conversations.

  • Adds "High/Low Quality Sound" playback in options screen. (low=more compatible)


  • The genie in the bottle has extremely similar voice and accent as Peter Sellers in The Party movie. It is very much influenced by that character, even some dialogues are exact like in the movie, like the parrot scene when Peter Sellers says "Birdie, Num Num".
  • The save game and general menu screen is made like some big circuit board with switches and buttons and all. On the wooden frame, it is stenciled ELTON ELECTRICS marked PATENT NUMBER LSI-1. Elton, however, is an actual ingame character that is inventor of all kinda of things such as time machine, robots, and what all not.
  • When Gilbert enters the Viking secret treasure hideout he makes several comments on what he is looking at there. One of them is "three headed monkey" statue with engraved name saying Lucas. An obvious reference to The Secret of Monkey Island.

Information also contributed by Jeanne and MAT



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Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 3912
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by curacao.

Windows Mobile added by Kabushi.

Additional contributors: MAT, Jeanne, JRK, Klaster_1, Patrick Bregger.

Game added April 26, 2001. Last modified December 29, 2024.