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Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue

aka: 102 Dalmatiner - Action Game, Disney 102 Dálmatas: Cachorros al Rescate, Disney La Carica dei 102: Cuccioli alla Riscossa, Disney Les 102 Dalmatiens à la rescousse !, Disney's 102 Dalmatynczyki: Psiaki na Pomoc, Disney: 102 dalmatinů: Zachraňte štěňata, Disneys 102 Dalmatiner: Valpar till Undsättning
Moby ID: 3868

[ Dreamcast ] [ PlayStation ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2000)

127 people (86 professional roles, 41 thanks) with 130 credits.

Prolific Publishing, Inc.

Producer Ronald B. DeRuyter
Port Designer Matthew Miller
CEO Russell C. Mix
CTO Reichart Kurt von Wolfsheild
Programming Director John L. Saleigh
Lead Programmer Jeremy Chernobieff
Programmers Noah Brickman, Jonathan Domasig, Peter A. Oliphant
Art Director Nicholas deSomov
Lead Artist Spincer Wilkins
Artist Simon Chan
Production Services Roman Hobbs, James L. Rathbun
Tester Christopher Louie
Special Thanks Leslie Grandmain, Emi Joy

Crystal Dynamics

Lead Programmer Fred Ford, Ken Ford
Lead Developer Paul Reiche III
Lead Artist Terrence C. Falls, Steve Kongsle
Director of Development Toby Schadt
Developer Gerald Azenaro, Adi Taylor
Cutscene Script Jon Guilford
Artist Leon Cannon, Maj Cole, Gary Ellington, Michael A. Khoury
Animation Brian Newlin, Thomas Tobey
Music Burke Trieschmann
Sound Effects Burke Trieschmann
Voice Editing Greg Shaw, Prickly Pear, Adrian Longpants
Game Font Amy Bond, Martin McDonald
Production Alex Ness
Executive Producer Sam Player
Test Manager Billy Mitchell
Lead Tester Mark Medeiros
Assistance Christopher Bruno, Benny Ventura, David Rhea
Tester Paul Cazarez, Tony Chan, Jeff Johnsrude-Luna, Mike Peaslee, Andre Rodriguez, Jacob Rohrer
Special Thanks to Andrew Bennett, Big Ape Productions, Bret Bartlett, Malachi Boyle, Meagan Carabetta, Suzanne Cooper, Brett Dyer, Rob Dyer, Robert Fitzpatrick, Rita Fovenyessy, James Guilford, Greg Johnson, Happy Keller, Richard Lemarchand, Adrian Longland, Fred Mack, Balmer Mann, Nanette Miller, Jonathan Miller, Charlotte Osborne, Kristen Park, Arianna Reiche, Sakuraba!!!!!, Rosaura Sandoval, April Schilling, Anna Sharpe, Greg Shaw, Brian Venturi, Mark Wallace

Disney Interactive

Producer Luigi G. Priore, Dan Winters
Assistant Producer Keith Hargrove
Director Dan Winters
Lead Artist Tom Barlow
Additional Art Jason Chayes
Marketing Team Europe Carole Degoulet, Miriam Cullen
Assistant Manager (Marketing Services) Nina Harju
Localisation Manager (Europe) Catherine Duperron
Production Lead (Localisation) Kate Farmer
Production Assistant (Localisation) Ticket Carson
Voices Niko Macoulis, Horst Raspe, Osman Rahgeb, Bernd Simon, Manou Lubowski, Solveig Duda, Eva Maria Bayerwaltes, Anne Carlsson, Angie Bender
Voices of the Disney Characters Roman Wolko, Jacques Pineau, Gabi Pietermann, Jakob Riedl, Kai Taschner, Dagmar Dempe, Claus Brockmeyer, Gudo Hoegel, Anna Carlsson, Manou Lubowski
Special Thanks to William Beaman (Chip), Patrick Larkin, Tamira Webster, Debbie Neveu, Maggie Brewis, The Disney Interactive Console Game Group

Eidos Interactive

Executive Product Manager Chip Blundell
Product Manager Renee Pletka
PR Greg Rizzer, Lars Bakken
Manual Hanshaw Ink & Image
QA-Manager Brian M. King
Compatibility Manager Kenneth Schmidt
Compatibility Tester Chris Lovenguth
Special Thanks to The entire Eidos team, Colour Media, Duncan Channon, Moore Design Group
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Credits contributed by quizzley7, formercontrib, Xoleras.