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Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars

aka: Mushroom Men: Der Sporenkrieg, Mushroom Men: La Guerra delle Spore, Mushroom Men: La Guerre des Spores, Mushroom Men: Las Guerras Espora
Moby ID: 38535

Wii credits (2008)

130 people (121 professional roles, 9 thanks) with 153 credits.

Red Fly Studio

Lead Design Ryan Mattson
Interactive Design Lead James Clarendon
Writing Eric Brach
Level Design and Scripting Damien Di Fede, Delvin Mason, John V. Kelly, Carlos Mijares, Jeff Mills
Additional Design Brad Futch, Dan Borth, Drew Rau, Eric Brach, Frank Teran, James Clarendon, Jeff Lake, Jeff Mills, Kain Shin, Kris Taylor, Neil Sorens, Todd Swanson, William Kier
Lead Programming Kain Shin
Programming Brad Futch, James Clarendon, Jeff Lake
Lead Core Technology Ted Jump
Additional Programming Damien Di Fede, Erik Touve
Lead Concept Art Frank Teran
Additional Concept Art Thomas Jung, Thomas A. Szakolczay
Lead Art William Kier
Lead Environment Art Johari Templin
Environment Art Andrew Morris, Robert Frye, Doug Kavanagh, Johari Templin, Patrick Doran, Rudy Diaz, William Kier, Zach Jaquays
Character Art Kris Taylor, Robert Frye, Epic China
Lead Animation Brett Harris
Animation Alex Haggerty, Todd Swanson, Kris Taylor
Technical Artists/Special Effects Dustin Dobson, Damon Lane Waldrip
Additional Animation Robert Frye
Lighting Andrew Morris
Audio Design Matthew Piersall, Robert Arlauskas, James Barker, Mike Behrman, Matt Chaney
Audio Scripting Mike Behrman
Music Les Claypool, Gl33k
Production Chad Barron, John Alme, Mike McShaffry
Testing Eva Tran, Eric Brach, Elizabeth Becker, Jordan Bizzell, Mike Kovach
CEO/Creative Director Dan Borth
Art Director Kris Taylor
Director of Production Jeff Mills
Director of Operations Peter Marquardt

Gamecock Media Group

"El Presidente" Harry Miller
Grand Champeen Mike Wilson
Dar Kommisar Rick Stults
Vice President of Marketing Richard Iggo
Vice President of Sales Steve Escalante
Executive Producer & VP of Richard Tim Hesse
Marketing Manager Nigel Lowrie, Jonathan Rosales
Sales Coordinator Brianne Baird
Producer Andrew Wagner
Associate Producer Jason Livergood
Video Production Shroomadoomdoom Dae, Kirk Johnson
Office Adminstrator (and Mum) Lynair Borsch


Print Design & Website Jennymarie Jemison, Bill Nadalini

Sandbox Strategies

Public Relations Rob Fleischer, Corey Wade, Jay Fitzloff, John Kopp, Bill Linn


Director, QC Lloyd Bell
Project Lead M. Wolf Cowart
Senior QC Leads Greg J. Miranda, Victoria L. Almond, Karl Johnson, Ben Drechsel
Leads Matt Davis, Mike Curn, Taylor Bailey, Aaron Biegalski, Jesse Bronson, Michael Dogherra, Chris Merritt, Nicholas F. Pecoraro, Richard A. Watson, Eliza Wyatt
Testers Jonathan Agnew, Micah Biggs, Dylan Gray, Joshua Harvey, Brice Johnson, Orion Koffman, Roman Komarov, Chris Lambert, Daniel Nelson, Jesse Rodriquez, Bradford Yurkiw, Jacob Bolinger, Taylor Brandt, Jeremiah D. Castro, Brad Chapman, Christopher Fairfax, Marc Ferrell, Heather Fuller, Lauretta Jenkins, Aaron Kathman, Oran D. Lord, Kyle Nybo, Erik Olson, Abigail Pike, Rebecca Pike, J. D. Powers, Taralynn Richey, Derrick Robinson, Alexander Schloss, Alex Staller, Scott Waldron, Brandon Wilson, Shannon Wright, Annie Wyatt, Jeffrey Yurkiw

Special Thanks

Red Fly Studio Brett Schroeder, Herbie Piland, Jordan DeLong, Josh Parker, Kurt Margenau, Matt Lopez, Rich Wilson, Tre Zieman, William Kirkman III
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Ogreboh.