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MaBoShi's Arcade

aka: Katachi no Game: Maru Bou Shikaku, MaBoShi: Drei-Formen-Action, MaBoShi: El arcade de las tres formas, MaBoShi: L'arcade delle tre forme, MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade, MaBoShi: l'arcade des trois formes
Moby ID: 38366

Wii credits (2008)

34 people (29 professional roles, 5 thanks) with 40 credits.

Staff Credits

Producers Mikito Ichikawa, Satoshi Kira
Director Mikito Ichikawa
System Design Mikito Ichikawa
Game Design Kuniaki Watanabe, Mikito Ichikawa, Jun Shimizu
Programming Kotori Yoshimura, Tadashi Itō, Kuniaki Watanabe, Jun Shimizu, Mikito Ichikawa
Design Reiko Sato, Hiroki Takahashi
Artwork Toki Kando, Takanao Kondo
Sound Daisuke Shiiba, Johan Krafft
European Localisation Edoardo Dodd, Miguel Ángel García Segovia, Carsten Harmans, Kay Hermann, Geraint Howells, Sonia Mazet (as Sonya Mazet)
NOE Localisation Management William Romick
Debug DIGITAL Hearts CO. LTD, Super Mario Club, Shigeo Kimura, NOA Product Testing, NOE Testing Team
Project Management Hiroshi Sato, Toshiharu Izuno
Special Thanks Koji Sato, Toru Inage, Kenta Tanaka, Kozo Makino, Rumiko Hoshino
Executive Producer Satoru Iwata
All Rights, including the copyrights of Game, Scenario, Music and Program reserved by Nintendo, Mindware
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by gingerbeardman.