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aka: Elisabeth I., Gloriana: In the Service of the Crown
Moby ID: 3816

DOS credits (1996)

76 people (66 professional roles, 10 thanks) with 99 credits.

Project Management Frank Gutenhöner
Game Idea Ralf Glau
Concept Frank Gutenhöner
With help from Holger Flöttmann, Rasmus Hinkel, Lars Ludwig, Thomas Schmidt
Logic Programming Matthias Kläge
Technical Programming Uwe Schmelich
Seabattle Programming Martin Deckmann, Henrik Nordhaus
Graphic Artists Peter Eickmeyer, Michael Grohe, Andreas Hancock, Renate Langenkämper, Andreas Postert
Illustration Peter Eickmeyer, Celal Kandemiroglu, Andreas Postert, Dirk Schulz
Graphic Editing Andreas Baciulis, Silke Schwengelbeck
Animation Andreas Baciulis, Jörg Laurien, Christiane Pfeifer
3D-Rendering and Model Ships Tobias J. Richter
Cover Design Delia Wullner
Manual Dirk Aulbur (Game Part), Rolf D. Busch (Historical Part)
Manual Layout & Set Design Pozar; Rheda-Wiedenbrück[Game Part], C-Tex; Gütersloh[Historical Part], Rolf D. Busch (Adventure Part), Antje Hink (Adventure Part), Thomas Schmidt (Adventure Part), Frank Guntenhöner (Miscellanous), Rasmus Hinkel (Miscellanous), Lars Ludwig (Miscellanous), Martin Matthiesen (Miscellanous), Thomas Schmidt (Adventure Part)
Producer Olaf Schwarz, Holger Flöttmann
Video Edition and Production Olaf Schwarz
Editing Assistant and Script Beate Reker
Camera and Sound Ilja Meyer-Molnar
Make-up, Props and Costume Ramona Förder, Walter Förder
Composition and Soundtracks Dag Winderlich
Sound Effects Dag Winderlich
Voice Recording Dag Winderlich, M&S Music; Frankfurt
Main Actors Paula Artkamp, Frank Heuel, Günter Jerschke, Dirk Rademacher, Harald Redmer, Jürgen Wiemer
Film Extras Dirk Aulbur, Jörg Baach, Andreas Baciulis, Olaf Baydacz, Mario Endlich, Frank Gutenhöner, Stefan Jürgens, Jens Kammann, Matthias Kläge, Andreas Leicht, Michael Lennartz, Bernd Ludewig, Ralf Pannhorst
QA Lead Frank Gutenhöner, Andreas Leicht
QA Tester Jörg Baach, Mario Endlich, Jan Grocholl, Rasmus Hinkel, Maik Hülsmann, Benjamin Prins, Matthias Süncksen, Ingo Wallhorn
Product Manager Klaus Starke, Darryl Still
Special Thanks to Fernsehtechnik Dieter Schirm; Hennef, Fernsehtechnik Dieter Schirm, Selling Points; Gütersloh, Hennef Selling Points, Gutersloh, The Soundhouse, James Leonel, Richard Johnston, Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte; Berlin, TAKE US!; Gütersloh
Localization Product Manager Carol Aggett
Documentation Management Petrina Wallace
Translators Peter Chambers, Alex Boden, Carol Aggett
Voice Recordings Outsource Media
Documentation Layout and Pack Design Anita K. Legg
Language Testing Simon Davison
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Indra was here, formercontrib.