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aka: Dune: He Who Controls the Spice Controls the Universe

DOS version

Drink the water of life!

The Good
I got this game when I was a kid and really got into it. At the time I'd just read the book and seen the movie, so I took to this right away. The graphics and soundtrack are still beautiful to this day and it's always a great source of inspiration and nostalgia. It actually does a good job of drawing the player into the game with its intricate attention to visual detail.

The Bad
I finally came back and played this game as an adult and beat it and I was really put off by the limited amount of interactivity during the battles. It eventually got to the point that I would order my armies to attack various fortresses and then the battle would be over by the time I got there. Also, the ending had an almost "Scooby-Doo" feel to it, which was off putting.

The Bottom Line
A great time, especially if you're a Frank Herbert fan. It's just not for hardcore strategy buffs.

by Jordan Owen (13) on August 21, 2010

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