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Jet Force Gemini

aka: Star Twins
Moby ID: 3792


1001 Video Games

Jet Force Gemini appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.


In keeping with the 'space' theme, most of the main characters are named after constellations. Examples of these are Juno, Vela, Lupus, and Mizar. This is also why the team are called Jet Force 'Gemini' (Juno and Vela are twins). One exception to this is Floyd the Droid, who went through several attempts to get a star-themed name (Pyxis was one example), but continued to get knocked back due to copyright issues. So in the end they gave up and called him 'Floyd', because it rhymed with 'Droid'.

Some of the names have a mythological influence. The cargo ship Anubis is named after the jackal-headed Egyptian God of Mummification and the Afterlife, while the battleship Sekhmet was named for the lioness-headed Goddess of War. Also, although Juno was named after 3 Juno, the third asteroid to be discovered by the human race, his name is also the Roman name of Hera, the queen of the Greek Pantheon, and wife of Zeus.


Three of the planet names are actually anagrams of other words. Tawfret is "Wet Fart", Eschebone becomes "Obscene, eh?" and Rith Essa...well, you can work that one out for yourself.

Information also contributed by Mark Ennis

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Trivia contributed by Ben K, Patrick Bregger, FatherJack.