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aka: Gothic Classic, Gotika, Orpheus
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Description official descriptions

With the orc hordes invading, the king needs a lot of magical ore to create enough weapons for his army. All the criminals are now sentenced to work in the ore mines till the end of their days. To prevent them from escaping, the king has a group of powerful wizards create a magical, impassable barrier. But the barrier grows out of control, capturing a large chunk of terrain within itself, and the wizards become imprisoned inside. In the confusion that follows, the prisoners kill the guards and take over the whole area within the barrier.

Many years later, the prisoner community has been divided into three camps: the Old Camp, where miners dig up ore and sell it to the king in exchange for goods from the outer world; the New Camp, where anarchy rules, and where the miners dig up ore in hope of blowing up the barrier with its magical power; and the Brotherhood, whose members worship a mysterious god called the Sleeper, hoping that he will release them. A new convict has been recently dropped into the prison, trying to find his place within the community, and knowing nothing about the pivotal role he will soon play in earth-shaking events.

Gothic is a third-person perspective 3D action role-playing game. The game is set within the Colony, the large area of land within the barrier. The player is free to explore most of the Colony from the beginning, though it may prove difficult, as the protagonist is initially very weak and most wildlife can kill him with one attack. Combat with melee weapons requires the player to input combinations of keys to execute various types of attack.

The player character must train to increase his attributes - Strength, Dexterity and Mana. As he vanquishes creatures and completes quests, he receives experience; with enough experience, he will gain a level, which not only increases his number of hit points (and thus lengthens his lifespan), but also gives him skill points. If the hero meets someone who is eager to teach him, the player will be able to spend skill points to increase attributes or learn completely new skills.

Skills include: the increasing ability to fight with various types of weapons; the ability to pick pockets and locks; and the ability to jump further and sneak. The protagonist can also learn to harvest furs, claws and other things from the animals he kills, and then sell them for money. Collecting plants and getting meat from defeated creatures can be very useful, since eating food heals the main character, or restores mana lost when casting spells. The game features a day and night cycle, character schedules, and interactivity with the game world: for example, the player can find a pan or a stove and roast raw meet to raise its healing qualities.

The player can choose to join any of the three camps, which influences most of the quests in the first part of the game. By focusing on particular skill sets, the player can turn the main character into a specialized melee fighter, archer, or mage. However, it is also possible to learn skills belonging to other classes at any time. Even if the player doesn't want the protagonist to learn mage skills, he can still find or buy scrolls and runes which allow the hero to cast various magic spells, e.g. toss fireballs at the enemies, teleport, turn himself into other creatures, and many more.


  • Готика - Russian spelling
  • 哥特帝国 - Chinese spelling (simplified)
  • 救世英豪 - Chinese spelling (traditional)

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Credits (Windows version)

115 People (113 developers, 2 thanks) · View all



Average score: 81% (based on 38 ratings)


Average score: 4.1 out of 5 (based on 163 ratings with 8 reviews)

A well-executed RPG with a great atmosphere

The Good
I was really surprised with how great this RPG is considering the mix of grumbling and merely moderate praise I'd heard from a number of people. The plot is compelling, and together with the setting creates a great atmosphere. The dialog is well-written (not too goofy or hammy), and the translation is the best of any non-English language game I've played. The mix of open-world level design and NPC schedules really brings the world alive. The graphics were sufficient for my tastes; once I had been playing enough to be sufficiently immersed in the game it never occurred to me that they were somehow dated.

Some of the specific complaints I had heard were regarding the game's combat and keyboard controls. Personally, I think the controls are the best in the series once you hook up a gamepad using a keyboard emulator such as JoyToKey. In comparison, the mouse controls in Gothic III (which admittedly I've only played a little of) seem a lot more cumbersome.

The plot goes something like this: You start out as a convict in a penal colony that has been sealed off from the outside world by a magical barrier. Trapped along with you are some of the mages who initially set up the barrier. Your goal in the game is to, together with one of the several factions you can join, assist the mages in bringing down the barrier and in the process (ostensibly) also regain your freedom. Along the way are some surprises including a dark (but not evil) mage, and a truly evil power vying for control over the world.

The Bad
One thing that disappointed me about this game is how linear it becomes toward the end. At this point you are no longer working for the factions you tried so hard initially to join. Instead, you are working for a sort of free agent with his own set of parallel interests. Faction standing no longer matters much and the main quest becomes a series of tasks to be completed in a fixed, linear order. Nevertheless, there's enough variety and new things happening to keep you playing onward to completion.

The Bottom Line
Definitely not a game to miss, and one of the best RPGs of the 2000s. With everything having been patched up by the community and its meager system requirements, there's no reason not to go out and play this game right now.

Windows · by SharkD (425) · 2010

A new RPG style is born

The Good
You played Ultima IX: Ascension, liked its style and atmosphere, but were disappointed with its lack of true RPG elements. You were fond of the role-playing in Elder Scrolls games, but thought they were too big and random. You even heard about King's Field, but wanted something more sophisticated and social. And here comes a modest game made by a virtually unknown German developer, and miraculously fulfills your wishes.

Already the beginning of Gothic gives you an idea about the game's serious intentions. Set in an austere, semi-realistic medieval world, it casts you into the role of a convict, who was thrown into a prison colony surrounded by a huge magical barrier. You start the game shortly after getting beaten up by local thugs, without inventory, without weapons, without money, in a hostile world where dangerous beasts lurk at every corner and where you have to play by the strict and harsh rules of the prisoner society. Instead of being on a "grand quest", you must first and foremost survive.

There are three camps in the prison colony - large town-like locations with many inhabitants and complex social systems, plus plenty of wilderness areas and a few dungeons. The Old Camp is the most conservative one, with a strict hierarchy of ranks, guards bullying simple people, and a corrupted Ore Baron as a ruler. The New Camp is more rural and plain, its leaders being less arrogant and more willing to help. The Swamp Camp is populated by scholars and religious fanatics, and is a colorful contrast to the other two. Everything in the game is hand-crafted, and although its world cannot compare to the gigantic spaces of Elder Scrolls in size, it feels more immersive because nothing in it is randomized.

Your primary goal is to join one of the camps, otherwise you'll be wandering the wilderness forever, penniless and weak. Each camp has its own unique structure and appeal, and you'll have a hard time to decide which one you should join after getting acquainted with the people's philosophy and performing their quests. The fantastic non-linearity of the game (especially in its first part) makes it possible to carefully navigate your way through the camps, choosing any quests you like, and in the end of the first chapter join the camp you liked most.

Unlike most RPGs, where you immediately embark on an "epic journey" and travel to distant lands, in Gothic you will have to care first of all for your social career. It is very interesting and rewarding (not to mention realistic) to talk to various people, get small assignments, establish connections, and finally make people trust you - all that in such an unusual place as a prison colony. You don't expect anybody to treat you nicely, but if you prove yourself loyal and strong, you will evoke respect in the prisoners, and it is through respect that you'll be able to dedicate yourself to more important matters in the second part of the game. You'll find friends willing to help you in all the three camps, rewarding you for your hard work.

The whole point of traditional role-playing is to train your character and watch how he turns from a wimp into a mighty warrior. Well, Gothic has everything to satisfy your needs, and the idea of getting stronger fits the concept and the story of the game like a glove. You start the game as a nobody. You don't dare attack a small group of scavengers. A wolf can kill you in one hit. You are totally broke, have no armor, and your weapons are pitiful. Near the end of the game you are able to take out an entire orc village, complete with dozens of huge warriors armed with strong two-handed weapons. You can kill demons in two hits, and a pack of wolves can't even scratch you, no matter how hard they try. You have to work hard to get better equipment, earn more money, gain higher levels. Every battle counts, every wild animal is a challenge, every area is potential death.

This leads to some frighteningly realistic experiences of the kind I highly value in games. I remember the horror I had when I strayed from the path between the Old and the New Camp early in the game and was attacked by three vicious snappers. I was killed before I even noticed what was going on, seeing only the dead body on the ground and the wild dinosaur-like beast ferociously circling it. In the next chapter, I took the three animals out with three hits.

I wouldn't go into so much detail if I weren't genuinely excited by the feeling of growth and achievement this game provides. Nothing can compare to the feeling of satisfaction when you are finally able to defeat the foes and to explore a new, unknown area, and Gothic strikes the perfect balance there. You can't just go somewhere and start gathering experience by killing tons of weak monsters. You have to explore every corner of the world, avoiding dangers, finding hidden treasures, and fighting what you can handle. Money is generally hard to get. You'll be better off learning various hunting skills and selling animal pelts, or stealing things.

Leveling up alone won't do the trick: every time you level up, you only get a HP upgrade, but if you want to really become stronger, you should learn different skills from various people. You can just upgrade your strength, dexterity, or magic points, or you can advance in circles of magic, learn to be a silent assassin, or master various kinds of weapons. You can choose to play the game as one of the three general classes - warrior, ranger, or mage. It is well possible to combine various combat styles, and to be a fighter who occasionally uses magic, or a mage who likes fighting with a crossbow.

The combat of Gothic was often criticized for its "awkwardness", but in my opinion it is excellently designed and not awkward at all. The fact you can't use "quick items" and the enemies don't wait for you while you are drinking a health potion doesn't make the combat system bad, on the contrary. It might be uncomfortable to fight several enemies who team up and attack from different sides, but it is certainly more rewarding than to hack them to death by merely clicking on them. The battles in the game are furious, you'll die a lot, but this is all part of RPG enjoyment. You can perform different strikes and parry, or use ranged attacks. Bows and crossbows serve you very well in the game, especially in the beginning when your only chance to hit an enemy is to do it from the distance. Then, of course, there is magic. The magic system is fairly simple, but an interesting touch is the necessity to equip spell runes or scrolls as weapons: you can't cast spells while wielding a sword or a crossbow.

The world of Gothic is not as marvelously interactive as in Ultima IX, but there is still a lot to do. You can climb, jump, and swim; although you can't manipulate all the objects, you can do nice things such as hunting animals and getting their pelts or claws, roasting meet, making weapons from ore, etc.

Of course, Gothic wouldn't be the same without its fantastic graphics. Done in 3D, with full camera rotation, viewed from over-the-shoulder perspective, game's world is truly magnificent. Particularly stunning is the beauty of the nature: just climb on any mountain or tower and look down, and you would simply want to stay there for a while and enjoy. Beautiful light and weather effects bring the world to life. At the same time, everything seems to be very simple in Gothic: no exotic plants, animals, no unusual landscapes, no strange and extravagant buildings. It is, in fact, a fairly small and bleak region of a supposedly vast medieval world, but one crafted with care and love.

I would also like to mention the excellent sound effects. Visit the Swamp Camp at night and listen to the surrounding sounds, or fight some harpies in one of the towers and hear their beastly screams. The music is not overused in the game, the soundtrack seems to serve only as background, but if you listen to it carefully, you'll discover its quality and its importance as an addition to the atmosphere.

A word about version differences: from what I heard, the English version doesn't have the rock concert, censors a scene with nudity, and apparently doesn't translate the script very well. That is a pity, so if you know German, get the original version.

The Bad
Gothic is not without flaws. There are some bugs, mostly of the visual kind - you might get stuck in the graphics, fall down through the floor, walk through things; characters tend to stand right inside you when talking. CG cutscenes are of surprisingly low quality and almost look worse than in-game graphics. It would have been better to make the whole game entirely with the engine and not bother with the videos.

The plot of Gothic starts in an original and promising way, but gradually regains more and more cliches and throws itself back into the past. It is as if the developers were afraid to be original till the end. The more you play, the more corny stuff gets in your way, until you begin hearing once again about being the only hope and even fulfilling a stupid "ancient prophecy".

This descent into the trivial affects the gameplay as well. Once you finally become cool and powerful, you are sent on a generic quest that leaves little room for experimentation, securely guiding you to the final destination. In a way, that wasn't too bad because it allowed me to release the stress accumulated during my pauper times by marching forward and feverishly hacking big monsters in a temple. It's just that the first part was so unusually good that these activities seemed disappointing.

The Bottom Line
Gothic is a remarkable achievement. Brought to us by a small company no one has ever heard of, without any experience in game-making, it was able to find its way into the elite of modern RPGs and establish a loyal fan community that appreciated its uncompromising gameplay and beautifully crafted world. A bright future lies ahead of this title, and here's hoping more games will learn from it.

Windows · by Unicorn Lynx (181645) · 2014

A good RPG, worth the twenty dollar purchase.

The Good
Well, while I don't share some people's enthusiasm for the game, I enjoyed it. The game itself was fun. I think the plot and storyline was well thought out, and I enjoyed how your reputation proceeded you whenever you met someone new. The NPCs' reactions to your character, while sometimes utterly redundant, were a fairly good spice to throw into the mixture. I like the freedom aspect, and how your character can own and defend his own property.

The Bad
While I'm sure that this will be remedied in Gothic 2, I didn't like how you couldn't create your own character. A couple of cheats to change your character's voice pitch, and a fairly vast selection of weapons and armor were the only ways to customize him. I wasn't too impressed with the graphics, because they were a bit choppy. I have a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4, 256 MB of SDRAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce 2 Card, so I know that it wasn't my computer. In any case, the controls were a little tough to learn, but once you get used to them, they're not bad. Besides all that, the game itself is pretty good, though it's tough to level up and become more powerful, not to mention the time I had scoring money to buy new equipment.

The Bottom Line
I like this game. I realize I had more bad than good to say about it, but I really don't think it's a bad game. I would say it is definitely worth the twenty dollar purchase, and I don't think anyone will be disappointed when they play it. It does almost exactly what you would expect from a game of its genre.

Windows · by Aaron Jones (14) · 2003

[ View all 8 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
German title? SharkD (425) Jan 9, 2009


Comic book

A comic book based on the game's lore was published in 2000, prior to the game's release. Titled simply Gothic, it depicts events in the prison colony shortly before the game protagonist's arrival. The comic is written by Thorsten Felden.


Gothic was developed without an option for mouse control - everything was keyboard-only. When editors of gaming magazines were shown an early build, they complained about the cumbersome handling and sluggish controls. So the developer, Piranha Bytes, put in mouse control in the last month before going gold.


A multiplayer mode was in the works, but was cancelled in June 2000. The net code was already finished, but other problems (for example balanced quest rewards) were too big.


In the beginning of chapter 2, the band In Extremo (a German band that mixes medieval music with elements of rock) gives a virtual performance in the old camp. Due to licensing issues, the performance is cut in some non-German versions and re-releases.


In the swamp camp the player can meet an insane NPC named "Baal Netbek". He is named and modelled after Joachim Nettelbeck who was a reviewer for the German magazine PC Player at the time. He even lent his voice to the character.

Version differences

The German and the American versions of Gothic are both censored, but in different ways: in the German version, there is less blood, and in the American version there is no nudity.


  • GameStar (Germany)
    • Issue 02/2002 - Best RPG in 2001
    • Issue 02/2002 - Best Game World in 2001

Information also contributed by Kaliban, Monkeyhead, Mobygamesisreanimated, JudgeDeadd, and Patrick Bregger



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Related Games

Gothic II
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Gothic 3
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Gothic II: Gold Edition
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Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods
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ArcaniA: Gothic 4
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ArcaniA: Gothic 4 (Collector's Edition)
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Gothic II: Night of the Raven
Released 2003 on Windows
Gothic: Collector's Edition
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Gothic Universe
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Related Sites +

  • Gothic I - Español
    This Language Pack is based on the Spanish Gothic I release by Egmont Interactive (1.08j). It contains the menu scripts, game scripts, subtitles, fonts, and three videos in Spanish.
  • Gothic@RPGDot
    Comprehensive Gothic Site for Gothic 1 and 2 including news, commentaries, designer diaries, screenshots and forums

Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 3785
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Alexander Schaefer.

Nintendo Switch added by Plok.

Additional contributors: Kaliban, Unicorn Lynx, Jeanne, Havoc Crow, Nico Bendlin, Paulus18950, Patrick Bregger, Plok, Evolyzer.

Game added April 13, 2001. Last modified February 16, 2025.