🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping
Tetris Forever
Tetris Forever

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Windows Patches


Patch v1.1

  • Fixed inability of users to map the mouse buttons.
  • Fixed inability of users to map the ‘center camera’ button.
  • Fixed some occasional crash fixes.
  • Added graphics card stability.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with certain Realtek sound drivers which could cause crashes.
  • Autosaves now made for each chapter. Number of save slots is increased to accommodate these.
  • Fixed bug with ramp not raising in Xibalba.
  • Fixed black screen deadlock when skipping doppelganger cinematic.
  • Fixed issue with door lever at Kraken room entrance.
  • Fixed occasional control issue during headshot move.
  • Fixed an occasional problem when entering a save game filename.
  • Fixed some PDA issues.
  • Fixed some cinematic subtitle bugs.
  • Are we missing any patch information for this game? Add a release with "This is a patch" checked. Contribute.