Treasure Seekers: Visions of Gold

aka: Buscadores de Tesoros: Visiones de Oro, Die Schatzsucher: Visionen von Gold, Legendi: Taina Starinnogo Sunduka , Les Chasseurs de Trésor: Rêves d'Or, Treasure Seekers: Visions of Gold HD
Moby ID: 37659

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 75% (based on 5 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.2 out of 5 (based on 7 ratings with 1 reviews)

Don't try this at home kids

The Good
A fairly standard hidden object game with a flimsy storyline and a glorious disregard for health and safety.
I grew up in the 50's and 60's where most of the fun things we did are now either banned or illegal but here we have a heroine who does stuff even I would never have attempted. Early on in the game she gathers tools to fix the mains wiring, then she fixes the fuse box, collects her brother and off they go. They build a raft, learn to fish and cook their catch, explore a mine, go underwater, find treasure and still get home before tea. Somewhere along the way they also fire a canon and I think they use dynamite too.

There's no voice acting in this game, the music and the sound effects are OK though I ended up listening to the radio while I played. The artwork is good and the objects to be found, though well disguised, are not hidden behind something else - a pet hate of mine from another game where I was looking for an elephant or something similar and only its tail was visible. None of that here.

The Bad
There's nothing really to dislike here, this is a good solid game. If I had to pick up on anything it would be that the dialogue of the characters is very twee. Phrases like "You brave and clever children..." are not uncommon, it's as though the game is trying too hard to be wholesome.

The Bottom Line
I completed this game in one sitting, play time was around three hours. To be honest I finished it because I do not like giving up on a game and not because I was enjoying it. For some reason, for me, it just did not feel fun to play.

Windows · by piltdown_man (254440) · 2023

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Pedro Ferreira, Macs Black.