Duke Nukem 3D
Game.Com version
You can't turn around & you walk down corridors most of the time
The Good
Graphics can be good. Has shoot left / shoot right buttons.
The game is so boring that it makes you want to spend your life doing better things. Its not "Eh" boring. It is "What am I doing with my life?" boring. Thus it can inspire you to change the world.
The Bad
You cannot turn around. You only walk straight down corridors shooting enemy after enemy with occasional strafing areas. So tedious! It was hard to know how to open doors. You press the weapon change button & up at the same time but you end up changing weapons over & over & it is unresponsive.
The Bottom Line
This is worse than any FPS I've played. Hovertank 3D is more interesting. You can't turn around. It is a mix of horrible rail shooter with slight FPS controls. If you value your time on earth don't play this game. Just play Duke Nukem 3D with the color turned off on your tv instead.
by Emperor MAR (2598) on January 5, 2013