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Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II

aka: Guerra nas Estrelas: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II: O Cavaleiro Jedi, Star Wars: Jedi Knight

Windows version

Best Star Wars game ever.

The Good
Sooo many things.. but the best is that the guy you're controlling, Kyle Katarn, is a Jedi. And what does that mean? Well, you can smite your foes with light saber, grip them with Force or just disarm them by grabbing their guns with Force. Not from the beginning though, where the game is just a typical 3D-shooter with fantastic score. Multiplayer is very well done, all the extra characters you can download.. Light saber duels rock!

The Bad
Jerec. He just hasn't got what it takes to be a Dark Jedi. But Maw was cool. Yeah, and no blood in this game.

The Bottom Line
When I got this game in my P133 three years ago I went nuts. First Dark Forces was nothing special. Just a Star Wars 3D-shooter. But this... to be a Jedi. To learn the way of Jedi. And Dark Side. It's just like in the movies. If you choose the Dark Side, you will quickly learn many destructive powers and become a strong Jedi, but in the end, you see where it leads. I almost felt pity for Katarn when I saw the Dark Side ending clip. Graphics are reasonable for todays standards and blah blah... for tech side. Multiplayer is great. After I had completed first level of the game, I went online and challenged some master Jedi. First, he killed me every time. By guns. So I proposed a light saber duel. He accepted. I pulled out my saber, and so did he. But when I was about to swing the first time, he jumped over me with force jump and hit me on back. Ouch.. But after you learn how to take advantage of the Force, you will succeed in scoring more and more kills. I have played only two multiplayers better than Jedi Knight, Diablo and Counter-Strike. And that is something.

by Lord Zimonov (8) on January 5, 2001

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