Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
Description official descriptions
Although Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is the successor to Sacred, the game takes place 2,000 years before Shaddar summoned the Sakkara-Demon. Set in Ancaria which is at the brink of another war, the player's goal is to prevent this war. However, it's entirely up to the player if the Light or the Chaos will prevail in the end.
All that just because of a godly energy called T-Energy. Once guarded by the Seraphim, then controlled by the High Elves, its exploitation was highly debated even among the High Elves, while more and more resistance began to form. In the end, what was feared to happen, happened: the big war started. Dragonkins, Temple Wardens, Humans, and Orcs fought side by side against the High Elves, but their power was already too great. After all of Ancaria was completely destroyed, they remained in control over the T-Energy. In the end even the remaining High Elves left their old home and built a new empire completely based on the powers of the T-Energy and inside that new home the tension between the high nobility and the clergy is escalating.
Meanwhile, the constant exploitation of T-Energy continues to contaminate whole zones and the once godly power now turns every living thing in these areas into terrible monster-mutations that destroy everything in their path.
In the beginning of the game, the player can choose between six characters of which only the Seraphim, a solid all-around character, has remained from the first game. The other five are all-new classes, such as the Dryads, masters of long-range combat and nature magic, or the Inquisitor which is somewhat an opposite to the Seraphim in all traits. Some of the class choices also effect the two campaigns and which available six gods the player may choose from. While the Seraphim can only tread on the path of Light, the Inquisitor is damned to walk the path of Chaos and has no access to the gods of light, nature, and philosophy.
While the choice of Light and Chaos effects how the campaign and its main quest ultimately play out, the gods each grant the player access to a very powerful spell. The god Testa for example, loads the hero up with T-Energy and allows the hero to shoot energy balls that heal friendly units and damage the enemies. However, as these spells are so powerful, they also have a very long cooling down period and should be used only as a last resort or against very powerful foes.
Once a character has been created, the game plays very much as the original game: the player takes on quests and kills creatures for experience points, loot to gain levels, and get more powerful. At each level the player is awarded with a skill point which the player can then invest in four different areas like defensive skills or class exclusive martial arts skills. From the 27 available skills, the player can choose up to ten and level them up. In addition, the player will find runes during travels.
These runes provide and level the talents of the characters. Once a spell or ability has been learned from a rune, learning it again will increase the level of the corresponding spell or ability until it is the same as the current character level. If the player finds runes for different characters or wants to specialize specific talents, the player can go to a rune master to trade in up to four runes and a good amount of gold for a rune of the desired talent. It's also possible to arrange the talents into powerful combos defining which spells or attacks should be used in which order. The more powerful the inserted talents are, the longer the cooling down period for the combo will be.
The game also features an extensive multiplayer mode allowing players to play on PvE or PvP servers or play the campaign in a local network (only one game copy required for two players), an open network (allows single player characters to be used) or a closed network similar to the Battle.Net.
- Sacred 2: Падший ангел - Russian spelling
- セイクリッド2 - Japanese spelling
- 聖域(貳):墮落天使 - Traditional Chinese spelling
Groups +
- Diablo variants
- Fantasy creatures: Dragons
- Fantasy creatures: Elves
- Fantasy creatures: Goblins
- Fantasy creatures: Griffins
- Fantasy creatures: Orcs
- Fantasy creatures: Trolls
- Game feature: In-game screenshot capture
- Game feature: Original theme song
- Gameplay feature: Armor / weapon sets
- Gameplay feature: Auto-mapping
- Gameplay feature: Character development - Skill distribution
- Gameplay feature: Grid Inventory
- Gameplay feature: Horse riding
- Games for Windows releases
- Green Pepper releases
- Middleware: Bink Video
- Middleware: Granny 3D
- Middleware: Kynapse
- Middleware: Scaleform GFx SDK
- Middleware: SpeedTree
- Physical Bonus Content: World Map
- Physics Engine: PhysX
- Premium Games label
- Protagonist: Female (option)
- Sacred series
- Scripting language: Lua
- Sound Engine: AIL / Miles Sound System
- Theme: Famous musicians
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Credits (Windows version)
418 People (365 developers, 53 thanks) · View all
Managing Director | |
Producer | |
Project Management |
Lead Quality Assurance | |
Technical Directors | |
Lead Level Designer | |
Visual Director | |
Lead Quest Designer | |
Lead Artist | |
Lead Game Designer | |
Coreteam Coding | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 73% (based on 77 ratings)
Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 33 ratings with 0 reviews)
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Blind Guardian
The German metal band Blind Guardian was involved with the game in several ways:
- the song Sacred Worlds, specially written for the game, is played during the game's intro cinematic. Its instrumental version is also one of the randomized tracks played in the main menu.
- fictionalized versions of the band members exist in the game, related to an optional side-quest where the player is tasked with retrieving the instruments that were stolen by undead metal fans; these items are later given to the player character as weapons
- a full version of the Sacred Worlds song is played in a special cutscene once the aforementioned quest is completed and can later be replayed from the main menu once unlocked. This was later used as the song's official music video.
Easter eggs
- A quite literal version of Easter eggs is featured. In Thylysium, the Easter Bunny contacts the player and gives an optional side-quest to hunt down eggs he has hidden, which later leads to investigating a mysterious Easter cult.
- Usable lightsabers from Star Wars make a return. Several direct references to Star Wars characters, locations and quotes are also present throughout the game.
- Gravestones also make references to Star Trek, namely the red shirt trope and Rules of Acquisition.
- Soccer balls make frequent appearances.
- Near Artamark's Gate, there is a rock with an inscription commemorating a disaster in the "Ikarion mine", a reference to the Ikarion Software studio which was working on Armalion, a game that would evolve into the original Sacred.
Related Sites +
X360A achievement guide
X360A's achievement guide for Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Sicarius.
Xbox Series, Xbox One added by Plok. PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 added by Oyn.
Additional contributors: Kabushi, Klaster_1, Paulus18950, Starbuck the Third, Plok, Zhuzha.
Game added October 4, 2008. Last modified November 5, 2024.